Washington Energy Committee Minutes


August  14, 2009



Old Business:


1.0 Corey Johnson, an intern from UNH in an undergraduate business management program will be analyzing the data we supply re: the energy use of the town buildings. Deadline to get the data to him is early September.  Bob and Al are gathering the data.


3. 0 The movie, Six Degrees Could Change the World, was well-received by church members who attended. We would like to show another movie. The next one would be on solar energy. Tentative date: last Monday in Sept. at 7 p.m. Al will check on availability that night.


New Business:


3. 0 We will ask Melissa Cole if she would like to be on the committee. The selectmen forwarded several emails from her: regarding grants the town could apply for  - for energy savings projects etcÉ


4.0 We also discussed doing an event re: the 350.org campaign. Al asked at church, but so far has not gotten much interest. Johanna is organizing a bell ringing through her church in Newport and may get others to chime in.


5.0 Al and Mary will be installing solar panels on their roof and they will provide 3 kilowatts of power. It will be tied into the grid.


6.0 Bob and Al will attend the first organizational meeting of Low Municipal Energy Commission in Concord next Thursday.


Next Meeting: Sept. 3, 2009 (changed from Sept. 10)


Respectfully submitted,



Johanna Young, Secretary Pro Temps