Washington Energy Committee

DRAFT Minutes Thursday June 11, 2009


Present: Johanna Young, Al Krygeris, Lindley Rankine


1.0           Old Business: film night. Johanna will do a flyer for Six Degrees Could Change the World and send it on to Al for posting. Al will check on availability of the Church on July 17th, 7 p.m. Will be billed as Monday Nite at the movies with discussion.

2.0           When application for grants for residential energy conservation projects are available we can put a link on the web site. Johanna to ask Nan to put a link to the Public Utilities Commission on the WCC web site.

3.0           Al and Bob are going to the dedication of the Wind Farm in Lempster on Friday and will take photos that could be posted on the energy committee pgs of the web site.

4.0           The Committee suggests that, subject to town approval, an energy audit of municipal buildings be done. Al, Johanna and Bob are attending the first annual Local Energy Conference on Sat., the 20th, and will try to get suggestions and prices of audits at the conference.  We will also check on funding and or discounts available for municipal audits.

5.0           We discussed the need to get more people interested in helping to conserve more energy in the town  and joining the efforts of our committee. Johanna suggested we staff an information table at the Farmer's market when we can to disseminate more information and encourage volunteerism.

6.0           We also discussed the 350 Church bell ringing event on Oct. 24th. The bell ringing is to raise greater awareness about climate change.  350, "as in parts per million, the level scientists have identified as the safe upper limit for CO2 in the atmosphere." (from www.350.org)

7.0           We will have more to report about local and state actions on energy and what our own town could do,  after the upcoming conference.

8.0           Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Next meeting will be Thursday, July 9 at 7 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Johanna Young,

Energy Committee Chair