DRAFT Minutes – Washington Energy Committee

January 8, 2009


Present: Bob Fraser, Al Krygeris, Johanna Young


1.0           Meeting in December was cancelled due to the ice storm so there were no minutes to approve.

2.0           Welcomed Bob to the committee as a new member.

3.0           Old business: Al reported on workshops he attended at the second annual Home Energy Conference and summarized the notes he took during the conference. Larger towns have more committee members and are able to do more, including passing ordinances. A number of towns have done complete energy audits of their town buildings and used benchmarking software to analyze the data. Antioch University may be able to help us learn how to use this software. There have been a couple of free workshops recently to train committee members on how to use the software, but all the workshops have been far away from Washington so far.


Al said Margaret Dillon has a good reputation as an energy auditor. If the town were interested in doing an audit – she would be a good person to contact.

4.0           Discussed further the Olde Home Day energy and conservation booth. If we want to show photos of old homes, Al and Bob suggested we contact Gwen. At the next Conservation Commission we will iron out more details about our display.

5.0           Ed Thayer dropped by and said the streetlights that had been slated to be shut off are still on. Bob checked with the selectmen and was told PSNH said they would charge $125 per bulb to remove the bulbs. He said his son, an electrician, could do it at a much cheaper rate. Al suggested he have his son make a proposal to remove the bulbs and give to the selectmen for approval. Bob will follow up.

6.0           New Business: Al suggested we plan a fieldtrip for town residents to the Lempster windmills – perhaps during Olde Home Day weekend or another day.


7.0           Johanna noted that the selectmen had asked us to do a presentation at Town Meeting.  Bob suggested we have an information table and find pamphlets to hand out. At the February meeting we will talk further about what kind of presentation would be most beneficial.


The meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30 p.m.  Next meeting, February 12 at 7 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Johanna Young, Chair