Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes – July 15, 2009


Assembly time: 7:00 PM.


Present: Carol Andrews, Sandy Robinson, Nan Schwartz, Johanna Young, Lindley Rankine, Jed Schwartz, Tom Taylor and Arin Mills

Guests: None


1.0    Approval of Minutes: Minutes from June , Sandy made a motion to approve both, Jed seconded, all voted in favor.


2.0        Old Business:

2.1   Dredge and Fill Permits –

        Journey's End/WLA cove dredging project was denied by DES. There was talk of an appeal but the time limit ran out. They brought up doing a new permit, at their annual meeting, but it was voted down 26 to 23. They may try again next year.           

        Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary – They have requested two long docks, and DES has requested more information from them. We sent a second comment letter about the application.

        Huntley Mountain Road - The Permit Committee was asked by Ed Thayer to go on a site walk of a proposed logging operation. Two members joined Ed, the logger's forester and the proposed site work contractor to look at the site and hear the plan. They are asking to use the Huntley Mountain Road, which bisects a Town Forest to access land for logging in Marlow. The plan is to upgrade the road in the forest enough to allow log trucks to move through with their loads. Tom said that another group wanted to log 2 years ago asking to stage the logs on town property but it didn't go anywhere at that time. He felt we should comment that we are concerned with what the road upgrade would open up in the future. Tom said there is a big beaver dam and bog just over the town line (on the Marlow side) and wondered how close the logging would be to that site. Sandy felt that the idea to down grade the road to a class A trail after the upgrade and use by the logger would be a good idea and we should recommend this to the Selectmen. Jed spoke about fire access. Sandy commented that we would prefer it be left as is but if it is done we should suggest that the Forestry Committee should look at it. Carol wants to know what the real benefit to the town would be. Tom said the town shouldn't consummate any deal with the logger without full coordination of forestry and all boards involved. Nan will redraft our comment letter. Sandy made a motion to send a comment letter with our concerns, Jed seconded, all voted in favor.

2.2   Conservation Easement possibility – Carol said that a landowner whose property abuts the Journey's End property is interested in a conservation easement. The owner is willing to have an appraisal done on the property. The parcel is over 100 acres and in a conservation priority area. They would like to see what buying the development rights would cost. Carol said the Forest Society would be willing to hold the easement. She wants us to spend some money for a "summary appraisal for easement". She had a list of recommended appraisers and was willing to call them for an estimate and availability. Sandy will also call an appraiser she knows for an estimate. The owner would be willing to let us do fundraising to help pay for the easement. Tom made a motion to spend up to $500. for the appraisal, Johanna seconded, all voted in favor.

2.3   Planning Board Update –

        Nan spoke about the LAE garage issue and Carol talked about attending the joint ZBA/Planning Board hearing and presented our concerns/comments to the boards. The PB received a lot of comments of opposition to the project. Carol said that anytime the Planning Board does a subdivision a plan for taking care of the roads and where they will house the equipment should be required. Tom thinks that the Town should never accept a subdivision again with private roads.

2.4   Energy Committee – The EC is having a Movie Night on July 27th at 7PM and are showing "Six Degrees Could Change the World", an Emmy nominated film. It will be shown at the Congregational Church and will serve free popcorn and goodies. Please join them!

        They are looking to do a tie in with 350.org and use it as a kick off for the October 24th International Day of Climate Action. Her idea is to have the school kids ring the church bell 350 times. Go to www.350.org for more information and how to get involved. EC is handing out information at the Farmer Market. Johanna will see if they have an information packet specifically for kids.

        The rebate application for solar and wind electricity systems is now available. You can get up to $6000.00 or 50% of the cost of your installed system. Nan will put a link up on the WCC website here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/ECpage.html

EC is presently collecting all the data on the Town Buildings to get a benchmark for energy use. There is an intern who will analyze the data for them if they get it to him over the summer. Tom said that the Municipal Building Task Force is also looking at this and they can share the information.

2.5   Hazard Mitigation Plan Update – Carol said that Ed Thayer had sent an email looking for people from each department to help with the plan update. She feels it is important that we are represented in the group working on the update. Tom said he was on the original committee and for him it was a real eye opener. Carol said she would do the first meeting tomorrow (Thursday night) and Jed said he would coordinate with her and do the second meeting.


3.0   Other Business:

3.1   Forestry Committee – Tom reported that they had merged 3 lots into one in one of the Town Forests. They are visioning a walking trail that will go through the Farnsworth Hill (Old Marlow Road) Town Forest that would connect up to trails in Lempster's Long Pond Town Forest. They are talking with Sue Lichey in Lempster.

3.2   Carol attended the Wind Farm dedication and said there were about 700 people there even though it was a rainy day. She said it was very interesting and was glad she attended. Jean Shaheen attended and spoke.

3.3   Nan mentioned that the Sunapee State Park deal is back in the news. The Muellers are trying to get permission to use 175 acres of park land to make new lift lines and ski slopes to connect to land they own in Goshen. Carol hadn't attended the hearing on Tuesday. We will keep an eye on what happens with it.

3.4   Carol mentioned the State Park plan that was killed recently. The state was looking at getting rid of some of the under performing parks and state land or looking at alternate co-ownership or management. The state's draft plan was badly received by the public. She also mentioned that the Friends of Pillsbury are always looking for new members if anyone is interested.


4.0   What's Happening in Nature?

Johanna saw 2 deer in their yard recently.

Tom said that black bears are very active lately around Ashuelot. Moose are very active too. It seems like a good year for game despite all the rainy weather.

Jed said that Blue Jays are eating all his early blueberries.

Carol said that the Purple Loosestrife is blooming right now. Go ahead and yank out this invasive species if you see some.

Tom found a Spotted Salamander under a rotten log he was moving while clearing a trail. He was amazed at how big and impressive they are when you see one in person.

Arin asked if any local lakes are tested for cyanobacteria. Carol said that if you suspect a lake has cyanobacteria that DES will come out within 24 hours to test for you. Nan said she would look up information about cyanobacteria and post it on our website here:


Johanna mentioned she has a turkey who comes to visit every other day. Jed said he had a turkey visit who had about 15 poults with it. Carol said she thinks that turkey moms get together in a group and take care of their poults.

        Nan mentioned all the rainy and cold weather we have had. Just this week the sun has started to make an appearance again.

        Don had his American Chestnut tree's flowers bagged and the Chestnut Foundation people will be back in a few weeks to pollinate his tree by hand. They will collect the resulting nuts in the fall and try to grow a more blight resistant tree.

        Arin metioned that Pam Hunt from Audubon came out on short notice to do a dragonfly count up near Pillsbury. Arin has a joined Pam Hunt's dragonfly google group.

        Johanna mentioned she saw a butterfly in Jamaica that looked like a swallowtail but it was green and black.               

5.0   New Business:

5.1   Arin mentioned that Fish and Game and Audubon are working on a wildlife corridor model and that it might go up on the Granit mapping site. She will try to get the data for Washington. Carol said she is on the committee working on this and wasn't sure yet how it would be used when it is done. NHDOT is also on the committee.

5.2   The Eccardt Farm store is now open! They have raw milk by the gallon and half-gallon, grass fed beef (many cuts and hamburger), maple syrup, and wonderful breads from The Good Loaf. Please visit the farm for these delicious items and help support our local agriculture.


6.0   Correspondence:

Copy of letter to Cayer and Bibbo regarding a DES site inspection on Map 6, Lot 2. DES requested the removal of two unpermitted temporary wetland crossings in October 2008 and requested removal of the crossings by December 2008. A request was made to extend the due date for compliance to June 30, 2009; the request was granted. DES has not received any correspondence on this matter.


DES letter acknowledging receipt of Shoreland Application #2009-01344, 499 Washington Drive Map 12, Lot 98, Neilsen

DES notice of administrative completeness File # 2009-00818, Map 12, Right of Way, Town of Washington

Planning Board request for all departments to complete Capital Improvement Project requests

LGC Municipal Volunteer Awards nomination

NH DES Municipal EcoLink:

       Source water protection grants available

Wetlands permit guidance document for Town Clerks can be found at: http://des.nh.gov/organization/divisions/water/wetlands/documents/wetapp_proc_for_muni_clerk.pdf

       DES has a new vernal pool web page: http://des.nh.gov/organization/divisions/water/wetlands/vernal_pools.htm

New shoreland permit application forms (check for date of April 10, 2009 to see if you have the latest form) Shoreland Permit Application 

       Subsurface permit fee has increased to $300


Note: anyone can sign up for DES emails at:



Memo from Parks and Recreation regarding the request for donations of kayaks, boats and related equipment. Contact Barbara Griffin, Camp Director at 495-1372 if you have questions.               


7.0   Adjourned at 8:40 PM, our next scheduled meeting is August 19th at 7 PM in the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Nan Schwartz
