Washington Conservation Commission

Minutes – January 21, 2009


Assembly time: 6:00 PM.


Present: Carol Andrews, Rich Cook, Nan Schwartz, Jed Schwartz, Johanna Young, Sandy Robinson, Lindley Rankin, Arin Mills.

Guests: None


1.0    Approval of Minutes: Minutes from November 19th, no December meeting, Sandy made a motion to approve, Jed seconded, all voted in favor.


2.0     Old Business:

2.1   Dredge and Fill Committee – DES sent notice of approved wetlands permit for Joseph Gullage.       

DES sent a notice that they had approved a shoreland impact permit for Ronald and Joan Max. They also sent notice of  a past violation on the Ronald Max property, TM 12-91, DES had reinspected the violation and vegetation had grown back.

2.2   Carol let everyone know that gift certificates are now available at our website and can be used to let someone know you have made a donation to the Conservation CommissionŐs Fund for Future Land Conservation in their honor. There are 2 gift certificates with a holiday themes and 2 that are more generic for other occasions. We would encourage people to visit the page and consider giving a tax-deductible gift of conservation for any opportunity. Here is a link to the page: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/giving.html

2.3    Carol asked Rich if the selectmen were aware of the changes being made to the current use tax structure. Rich didn't think they were. There is a new forest land model with new valuations, which are a big shift from the current ranges. She said the state Current Use board is meeting next Monday, January 26th at 1PM. Rich will look into the matter.

2.4   Energy Committee – Johanna reported that they have welcomed a new member, Bob Frazer. The street lights that they recommended for shutting off haven't been turned off yet. Rich asked for another copy of the final list of recommendations. PSNH is going to charge around $125. or more to turn them off so they are looking at alternatives. The light fixtures should not be removed in case we need to use them in the future, just the bulbs removed. For Old Home Day they are looking for old pictures of Washington homes. Sandy suggested they talk to Gwen Gaskell, Tom Talpey or Grace Jager. They also thought about doing a windmill tour but maybe not at Old Home Day as it would take people away from town. Rich mentioned Ed Cherian who offered to give tours to the selectmen earlier but maybe out of the project now. Johanna will check with NH Sustainable Energy Commission. Al Krygeris went to the Home Energy Day conference. The Energy Committee is doing a presentation for Town Meeting.

        We discussed the conservation commission also doing a display for Town Meeting. We could display the finished maps, NRI and Conservation Plan, promote our gift certificates and the idea of giving to the conservation fund as a gift, and also promote the WCC website by running it locally on a laptop so people could try it out.


3.0   New Business –

3.1   NHACC membership dues – Carol left and Sandy took over the meeting so we could discuss and vote on our annual membership to the NHACC. All felt that our membership was worth continuing and that the NHACC does a great job supporting the local conservation commissions and have a great conference each fall. Sandy made a motion to pay the annual dues of $200., Jed seconded, all voted in favor.

3.2   Carol returned and took over the meeting again and showed us the latest Historical and Cultural map which is the last one of the NRI maps to be finished. We noted 3 small changes needed, the Creamery and the baptismal steps were not quite in the right spots and "Montfort" retreat was not spelled properly. Carol will ask Chris to correct and reprint. We looked over Chris's final invoice and Carol was going to check the contract and make sure we received everything before she submits it for payment. Carol will check with Michelle about the amounts paid and due.

         There were a couple of corrections needed on the disks Chris gave us with the final versions of the NRI report and Conservation Plan. We will make the corrections and make new disks for distribution. All maps and reports are posted on the WCC website here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NRICP.html         

         We discussed doing the map laminating ourselves and taking the amount for doing that off of Chris's bill. He has agreed to do this. Nan looked into prices and places to do the lamination and has shared the information with Carol. Sandy made a motion to spend up to $200, Rich seconded, all voted in favor.

3.3   Old Home Days – Sandy called Jane Thayer to discuss what she needed from us about our participation for Old Home Day. Sandy told her we want to do a booth with educational materials and exhibits. Jane said that Old Home Day still needs to be voted on at Town Meeting as to whether the town wants to hold one or not. If they vote not to hold one we can exhibit at the Farmer's Market or some other town function. Carol spoke about designing a form for reporting what people recall for natural happenings in town, such as hearing or seeing a certain bird in a certain place that they don't see or hear anymore. It is an interesting way to compile changes over time in local nature. The Energy Committee wants to do a giveaway and they will explore some possibilities.

3.4   Carol spoke with someone about land donation for conservation, it is a quarter acre piece of waterfront on Highland Lake near land that is previously protected. The Forest Society holds the easement nearby and might be interested in adding this piece. They charge about $10,000 or so to hold an easement and we would have to charge a similar amount. Carol spoke about the criteria she will look at when people call to inquire about an easement.


4.0   What's Happening in Nature?

Sandy said she saw the biggest bull moose she has ever seen on her way to the meeting this evening. He was on East Washington Road and was accompanied by a smaller (maybe a cow) moose. Johanna saw a Pileated Woodpecker recently and Jed and Sandy remarked that they had each heard one recently around East Washington. It makes a very loud rapping sound that can be heard from pretty far away. On December 12th Carol saw a Bald Eagle eating what was left of a small deer on the ice on Halfmoon Pond. She said it was quite a sight and a bit bloody. Bald Eagles have been doing better lately and during the Audubon/Fish and Game count done last year their numbers were up. Fish and Game wants to know if you have sighted a bald eagle in New Hampshire. For more information on Bald Eagles in New Hampshire click here: http://www.washingtonnh.org/WCC_Html/NewinNature.html


5.0   Other Business – None


6.0   Correspondence:


              DES Wetlands Impact Permit Approval Gullage #2008-01835

              DES Shoreland Permit Approval Max #2008-02495

              DES Notice of past violation Max                   


7.0   Adjourned at 7:00 PM, our next scheduled meeting is February 18th at 7 PM at the Town Hall.


Respectfully submitted,


Nan Schwartz
