Town Center Vision Subcommittee – Working meeting Minutes


June 20, 2018


Members present: Lolly Gilbert, Roxy Otterson, Jean Kluk, Bert Bodnar, Jon Gibson, Andrew Hatch, Kevin Provencher, Al Krygeris and Nan Schwartz.

Visitors: None


1.0       Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Lolly Gilbert at 8:00 AM, in the Town Hall.


2.0       Minutes – Gilbert asked for any changes to the minutes, Gibson commented that his conversation with Kevin Belanger was by email, Schwartz will correct. Gibson made a motion to approve the minutes with the change, Otterson seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


3.0       Old Business – Gilbert ask if the was any old business to take up, none was mentioned.


4.0       New Business

4.1       Discussion of identified problems – Gilbert said the initial item for discussion was the parking/traffic flow/access/walkways so this morning we are focusing on that issue(s). She had invited Ryan Curran and Ed Thayer to join us for the discussion but they hadn't joined us, as yet. She said we identified parking for visitors/tourists, municipal parking, signage related to parking and access behind the Town Hall as specific items. Gilbert asked Krygeris about plans for the access to TH and what is being discussed by the BoS. Krygeris said they are planning to get rid of the existing road (driveway) and move it to the other side near the GibsonŐs property line. Kluk asked if they would get rid of the existing drive down back? Otterson said it would be wise to keep it to have a circle to use for Fire/Rescue and the handicap entrance. Krygeris said Thayer is doing the planning for the drive/access. Otterson asked if we will continue using the stand pipe and water source for fires at Tremaco's pond? Gilbert also mentioned the existing landing zone in the rear of the TH. Gilbert said a second issue is that the parking ban in front of the TH is not enforced. Schwartz said there is no signage indicating that others is no parking. Gilbert said there are 3 spaces next to the church and there used to be a grassy area between the Schoolhouse and church that now seems to be parking for two cars.

Gilbert asked if there is an ordinance against parking on Rte. 31. Gibson said there is a state law and usually it is not a problem except when there is an big event, people park everywhere. We decided that this is a question for DOT. Gibson said they have had two incidents (accidents) backing out of their driveway in the last year. Krygeris said there is no enforcement at the store; their employees should park in the rear lot and signage needs to be installed. Gilbert said that the Library lot is municipal parking and should be indicated as such, people could also park there for the store. Otterson said that the Library parking lot needs to be expanded, if possible. Krygeris said we should check the tax map to find out where the lot lines are. Gibson will email Kevin Belanger to ask about the possibility of crosswalk paint and lowering the speed limit through town. Krygeris was wondering how the town looked before, he thinks we could look at that for inspiration and grounding, we should look for archival pictures. He also suggested we could do a traffic count and check the speed of traffic going through town. Gibson said the 2008 study said that there were 1800 cars a day (on average, year round) and traffic goes way too fast. Hatch suggested asking DOT to do a study. Gibson suggested the Police use the speed sign in either direction. Kluk suggested we task the BoS to do a study. Krygeris suggested we talk to Thayer, who will know who can do a study. Otterson suggested the Police do their job. Gilbert said access is a really big issue, along with expanded parking, we need to identify municipal parking spots.

Otterson asked if the parking behind the TH will be paved and Krygeris was not sure at this time. Kluk said she feels these are interrelated issues and we need expertise and fresh eyes. She said this will cost money, we should look at potential funding sources (grants), so we should divvy up the list and see what is relevant. She said the UNH "First Impressions" program costs $6K. Schwartz said that our regional planning commission might be a good resource because we are members and our dues cover some costs. Hatch said the USDA grant program is good for specific projects. Gilbert thinks that bringing expertise back to Town Meeting will be helpful. She asked us to agree to look at these sources and see what is relevant both for funding and for planning. The group agreed and we split up the list between all the participants.

Schwartz took Upper Valley Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission, the NH Office of Strategic Initiatives Planning Division and the Federal Highway Administration (CSS), Kluk took UNH Cooperative Extension "First Impressions" program, NH Preservation Alliance and NH Land and Community Heritage Program (LCHIP), Otterson took Moose Plate Grants, NH Charitable Foundation and Heart and Soul Community Planning Grants, Hatch took USDA Rural Development and NH Community Development Finance Authority (CDFA), Gibson took NH Department of Transportation and Eversouce and Bodnar took on Save America's Treasures. Provencher will contact the Civil Engineering Department at Dartmouth and see if they might take this on as a student project, Kluk suggested he also contact UNH's Engineering School. Gilbert will speak with Chief Murdough about speed limits and a traffic study, she will also look for archival pictures and maps of the town center at the Historical Society.


Gilbert stated our next issue would be to look at the historic buildings, the Common and the Town Pound. Bodnar said the Historical Society members want to contact the Town Pound owners to offer to help restore the pound with DPW's help. Krygeris said he and Jim Crandall had spoken to them about letting the Town have the pound back and they weren't interested, but they do want it restored. He said DPW would remove the sand plowed into the pound. Hatch mentioned the issues around the bandstand and where it was originally. Krygeris mentioned squaring Faxon Hill Road to Rte. 31, which would require moving the bandstand. Hatch also mentioned zombie houses owned by banks and the need to talk to the bank about maintenance and cleanup. Gilbert will look at the bandstand and look for historic references. Provencher mentioned that things are not as they always were and we need to avoid that argument, things always change over time.

Krygeris said that he was contacted by the NH Preservation Alliance recently about using the church for their annual meeting. Gibson said he was also contacted, as well as Gwen Gaskell. They want to tour the Town's historic sites and hold their meeting in town on Tuesday, October 16th. Everyone thought this was exciting.

Hatch asked if we want to promote the Town Center Vision project at the Town Hall Open House on the 30th. Kluk said we can make the handout available then. Gibson said we should let people know we are looking for ideas.


5.0       Problems to discuss at next meeting – We will come back to the next meeting with information we have gathered from our sources. We will try to get Ed Thayer to attend to discuss road issues.


6.0       Next meeting days –July meetings will be the 11th and 25th at 8AM in the Town Hall.



Meeting adjourned at 9:00 AM.


Respectfully submitted,

Nan Schwartz

Planning Board Secretary