Town Center Vision Subcommittee – Working meeting Minutes


April 25, 2019


Members present: Jim Crandall, Ron Jager, Lolly Gilbert and Nan Schwartz.

Visitors: None


1.0       Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Lolly Gilbert at 7:00 PM in the Town Hall.


2.0       Gilbert opened the meeting and spoke with the assembled group about the last subcommittee meeting, which she was not able to attend. Schwartz said that we mainly covered Rte.31 issues because the state reps were there to hear about the state road issues and see what they could do to help out. Gilbert reiterated the issues covered at the meeting; speed of traffic, the intersection of Rte.31 and Faxon Hill Road, drainage issues, walkable shoulders, crosswalks and lowering the speed limit. Rep. Smith said the speed limit canÕt be lower than 25 and Schwartz commented that this would be a big improvement and a welcome sign might help also. She said Provencher is getting in touch with Harvard about some grad student help. Gilbert said we talked about putting out suggestion boxes; do we still want to do that? Schwartz said we need to figure out whether we come up with a list of specific things to ask for input on and be open to new ideas or do we just ask for input. She thinks a more focused list would be the way to go. Gilbert suggested breaking it into the four areas (that we used at Town Meeting) and have specific ideas in each area. Gilbert suggested a sample box at the Library to see what happens with it. Schwartz said we can use what we did for the poster but we need to work on the list to be more specific.

Schwartz shared copies of a list if items she put together from the assessment report. Gilbert had worked on one also but left it at home. She said we need to do an inventory of the available parking and existing signage. Jager threw in the issue of how to get to the TH parking lot and walk to the buildings (access) and landscaping. Schwartz suggested we talk to Noah Chidester. Jager suggested breaking into subcommittees of 3 to 4 people to work on different areas. Gilbert suggested subcommittees for Road issues and the other areas of concern. She suggested we think about who would want to focus on what area. Jager suggested a sub-subcommittee to work on the Town Pound; he suggested himself, Otterson, Bodnar and Crandall suggested Elaine Crandall who has a big interest in this subject.

Crandall suggested himself, Provencher, Hatch for the Roads subcommittee and suggested we get Ed Thayer involved with the Faxon Hill Road issue. Schwartz reminded him that Ed is planning a paving project on this end of Faxon Hill Road this summer.

Gilbert suggested Herself, Kluk and Schwartz to work on the Signage issues, parks, boxes and historic walk (Otterson may want to help with these).

Jager suggested himself, Crandall and Schwartz to focus on the parking, access and landscaping around the town buildings.

These are only the first stabs at assigning people to the subcommittees; we are open to anyone with an interest in a certain issue to join their group of choice.

Schwartz shared a mock-up that she did of the Faxon Hill intersection (moving the bandstand to a location to the left of the church and creating at T intersection), which we all looked at. Crandall shared some mock-ups that he had done of several ideas for the driveway, parking and access for the area around the town buildings. Schwartz commented that the common is on the National Historic Registry so we may be very constricted in what can be done out front.

Jager said we need a plan for the pound but he is concerned that the town wonÕt spend money because it is on private property. Schwartz suggested a Moose Plate Grant. Crandall said the telephone pole is in a bad place. Jager said that restoring the pound isnÕt possible to make it the way it was originally. He said the road has been raised by feet and he thinks cleaning it out and marking the site may be all that can be accomplished. Schwartz said that stones in the pound could be put back on the walls if they are there. She said the area was surveyed when it was conveyed by the town so the pins must be there that mark the corners of the lot. Jager said that talking to the TremarcoÕs is the first step.

Gilbert asked about the chairing of these subcommittees. Schwartz suggested that each subcommittee pick a chair for their group.

Crandall will contact Noah Chidester to see if he could meet with the Landscaping/access group to get some ideas.


3.0       Next meeting – None set


Meeting adjourned at 8:10 PM.


Respectfully submitted:

Nan Schwartz, Planning Board Secretary