Town Center Vision Subcommittee – Working meeting Minutes


March 9, 2019


Members present: Lolly Gilbert, Roxy Otterson, Kevin Provencher, Andrew Hatch, Ron Jager and Nan Schwartz.

Visitors: None

1.0       Call to Order - The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair Lolly Gilbert at 11:30 AM in the Town Hall.


2.0       Gilbert opened the meeting and we reviewed the handout put together by Penny Whitman and Jared Reynolds and decided on 100 copies for Town Meeting. She said we are here to decide what will go on the poster for Town Meeting. Gilbert got the dots for voting and Schwartz had a large piece of foam core for the poster. We decided that Gilberts should cut the dots into groups of four colors and number them from 1 to 4, giving people 4 chances to do a ranked vote.

Hatch mentioned the Town Report and the TCV report was included. Hatch said he will be speaking at the start of the meeting for the Planning Board about the LUO ballot and he will speak about the TCVÕs process, point out the handouts and ask people to vote on the poster.

Gilbert said that we should have four general areas to vote on and not specific projects at this point. We looked at the areas that we have been considering and ganged up the related areas. We decided on Landscaping, Streetscaping and Signage, Public Infrastructure and Parking, Community and Economic Vitality and Parks, Public Facilities and Points of Interest. Otterson suggested we come up with a short list of specific examples to go under each heading. All agreed.

Under Landscaping, Streetscaping and Signage, we decided on: Improve Landscaping around Town Buildings, Lighting, Crosswalks/walkways, Improve lighting, Consistent way finding and signage, Increase safety for pedestrians and cars.

Under Public Infrastructure and Parking, we decided on: Old Schoolhouse restoration, coordinated way finding and signage, Slowing traffic on Rte. 31 coming into town, Improve parking and Town Building access.

Under Community and Economic Vitality, we decided on: Promote existing businesses and encourage new, Support and promote the ArtisanÕs group, the Farmers Market and community garden, Promote the use of Town Hall as a community meeting space, and Promote civic pride.

Under Parks, Public Facilities and Points of Interest, we decided on: Add seating and trash bins, Support P&R activities in improvements to the playground, Work with Historical Society to create a historic walking tour, Town Pound restoration, Promote use Town Hall as a community space.

Schwartz said she will put together the poster for Town Meeting. Jager asked if we could have a wider discussion at Town Meeting. Schwartz asked where in the meeting he thought that would be appropriate. Hatch spoke with the Moderator and he will allow him to speak. Schwartz said it was possible he could bring something up for discussion under the last warrant article. Otterson asked if we have a lot of number 1Õs do in one area do we focus on that area. Hatch said a potential next step could be to break into 4 subcommittees to focus on one area. Schwartz didnÕt think we are at that point. Provencher said he spoke with the DOT district manager and he is willing to help point us to funding. He said Wilton, Grantham, Goffstown are all working on similar problems also. Provencher will get some dates when the manager can meet with us. He would like the state reps (Ruth Ward) to join us, as they would do the work to get DOT on board. Hatch asked about a designation of ŌScenic BywayĶ, we should look into that designation. Hatch also suggested we speak with Ed Thayer about road problems and his contacts with DOT.


3.0       Next meeting – Possible date March 26th, Tuesday at 7PM.

Meeting adjourned at 10:50am.


Respectfully submitted:

Nan Schwartz, Planning Board Secretary