Town Center Vision Subcommittee – Working Meeting Minutes

January 22, 2020


Members Present:  Lolly Gilbert, Jim Crandall, Ron Jager, Kevin Provencher and Nan Schwartz

Public attending: Noah Chidester, Ed Thayer

Gilbert opened the meeting at 9AM and passed out an agenda. The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as written.

1. Parking/Access issues – Chidester shared his sketch plan with us so that we could comment and suggest any changes that might need to be made. We also reviewed the drone shots that were the basis for his plan. Chidester said the new drive would be 10Ő from the property line. The driveway is a single lane (12Ő) one-way exit or entrance. Schwartz will check the setbacks for driveways from sidelines. Crandall commented that he thought we should make the traffic flow in the opposite direction than was shown, as he feels it would work better. We discussed this and will confer with DOT at ThayerŐs suggestion. Thayer said they have approved the driveway cut but had certain conditions attached i.e., location, green area expansion, and several others.

Schwartz asked Chidester to indicate the preservation of the snowmobile trail in his notes.

Gilbert asked about landscaping around the parking area. Chidester said he would like to keep it simple for this plan. Crandall said the walkway should be shown on the plan. Chidester said his intent is to bring the walkway through the center for the playground. Schwartz said that some equipment might need to be relocated. She asked about benches. Chidester said he showed a couple on the end of the playground. Schwartz asked about the basketball hoop and wondered if it should move or stay. Chidester felt that the pavement was in rough shape and should be removed or replaced if the location was kept.

Gilbert asked about the rescue helicopter-landing zone. We determined there is still room enough for it in the lower field. Jager suggested islands of landscaping in the parking area. We decided we need to consider snow removal and making it easy for upkeep. Chidester said that the parking area is 75Ő across. He said we could replace the old railroad ties that are being used as a retaining wall with stones and carve the area back a little. Jager said the area below the leach field area is quite wet in the spring. He thinks the leach field needs work.

Chidester asked about lights. Schwartz shared the solar lights that she found online. Chidester asked if they would be bright enough. We need to look into that. Chidester will indicate a few lights on his plan.

Gilbert said we could find out from Thayer what things might cost. Crandall wants a warrant article for the driveway and a separate warrant article for the stairs/walkway. Jager doesnŐt think we will be doing the project this year. Schwartz thinks we should use this year to sell the idea.

Thayer joined us and looked over the sketch plan. He suggested we send the plan to him and he will send it along to DOTŐs Swanzey office for comments on the driveway.

We decided that Chidester would indicate on the plan that the utilities will be moved underground.


2. Town Pound – Crandall wants the plan to show excavation of the pound. We feel this is a detail for later discussion.


3. Walking Tour – The issue was not discussed but Kluk has been in touch with Gwenn Gaskell who has information to share.

4. Data from the boxes – Schwartz has tallied the responses and will send the information to members.


5. Other Issues - We decided the next meeting would be February 5th at 9am at Town Hall. We will try to meet with Jared Reynolds also.


Adjourned at 10:55AM


Respectfully submitted,

Nan Schwartz

Planning Board Secretary