Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

December 4, 2018


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, Town Hall

0.1       Members present: Hatch, Dulac, Krygeris and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk and Terani

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Crandall

0.4       Visitors: Noah Chidester


Hatch opened the meeting at 6:30 PM, he asked Kluk to sit in for Crandall. He recognized Chidester who came this evening to observe the board meeting. He was asked last year to join the ZBA but now is considering joining the PB as an alternate. Hatch explained that we donÕt do any enforcement; we just deal with what comes up with an eye toward the public interest. He said there is a dearth of volunteerism in town and we need good people to join.


1.0       Minutes: November 5th meeting – Hatch asked if there were any comments on the minutes. There were a few typos that Schwartz will correct. Kluk mentioned that there is only $2K left in the OSH planning line because some money was used for the insulation testing (which came back as non-toxic). Schwartz asked if it needs to be removed, Kluk said that they would be speaking with the architect about that issue. Kluk made a motion to approve with corrections, Krygeris seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


2.0       New Business:

2.1       Driveway Permits/DOT discussionSchwartz said that she put this on the agenda because of a recent issue with a DOT approved driveway cut and a concern about where the drive was going to be on the lot. She said that DOT approves the location of a driveway cut on the lot by looking at site lines and distances to the next driveway. The town is concerned with length, width, wetland crossings, etc. She asked if we think we should add something in the LUO section on Driveways to cover the gap. Hatch said the wording should not be ambiguous and applications should be required even with a state permit. We discussed the wording and decided to go with ÒNo driveway or access may be established or altered so as to adjoin any Town road without first obtaining a permit from the Planning Board pursuant to RSA 236:13 and 236:14.  The permit application shall specify details of construction, including drainage, deemed necessary to protect the Town and adjoining properties.  A copy of any state-issued permit should be filed with the Town prior to submitting a permit application to the TownÓ. Kluk said we should add a line on the townÕs driveway permit application to check off whether a State permit has been issued. Schwartz will take a look at the references to wetlands in the existing driveway permit. Kluk made a motion to have Schwartz make the changes to #307 as agreed, Hatch seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

2.2       Kluk brought up that the UVLSRPC sent a map of transportation corridors in their newsletter and said Rte. 31 is considered a designated corridor in the county. Dulac asked if we want to put this on the agenda as an issue. Kluk said that UVLSRPC has meetings scheduled and Jack Sheehy was our delegate for years but no one from Washington participates any longer. Dulac said he might be interested in participating. Kluk will send him some information about the RPC and their board. Dulac mentioned that Rescue takes patients to Concord but some may want to go to Dartmouth. Schwartz said that they would take you to the hospital where you request to go although there maybe some instances when they canÕt. Hatch said we will keep this on the agenda.

2.3       PB annual report – Hatch had a copy of the annual report written by Crandall, which he shared with the board. Everyone was good with the report but Dulac suggested changing the word ÒfriendlierÓ to ÒsaferÓ. All agreed.


3.0       Old Business:

3.1       LUO suggested changes – Hatch spoke about the changes to 300 and 501.1 as agreed on at the last meeting. We reviewed the document with the changes. Kluk gave some background for Chidester. Dulac said he didnÕt agree initially but is now in agreement. Chidester asked about chicken coops and whether they would need a permit. Kluk suggested putting the coop on wheels and making it portable. Schwartz said the BoS have the discretion to make the permitting simple and fee structure for permits very low for small (unoccupied) buildings. Krygeris said that people who move here donÕt know the rules and they should be instructed to call Deb about what they need to do. Dulac asked Krygeris to have the BoS look at their fee schedule. Hatch suggested a no cost permit for fewer than 50 square foot buildings. Hatch said if we are happy with the wording we need to hold a public hearing. We agreed the public hearing will be at our next PB meeting at 6:30pm. Schwartz said she will work on noticing for the hearing.

            Hatch asked Schwartz to check the LUO pdf            that is online because his copy printed with a default typeface. She will also attach the table of contents to it, as it was left off the 2018 version.

3.2       Town Center Vision Committee - Hatch reported that we had a good meeting and are waiting to receive a report from Penny Whitman (UNH). At the meeting we agreed to our next steps, which are to do public outreach using suggestion boxes in public locations looking for information, suggestions, priorities and ideas. We will accept these in the boxes or emailed in to pb@washingtonnh.org. He said we are meeting with Penny Whitman and Jared Reynolds early in January and we will nail down a public meeting for early summer. Kluk said part of the message is that we have brought in good help and we should report on what we have done so far.

3.4       Municipal Buildings project update – Kluk reported that the TH windows are half way done in the restoration process and the 2nd LCHIP payment has been made. She said the restored windows are on upstairs and general construction on the upstairs and LULA lift shaft and will begin on Thursday. Krygeris said the exterior doors are getting new locks with lever handles for accessibility. Hatch asked about the third exterior door (tower) and Kluk said the town is paying to replace it not LCHIP. On the OSH Hatch reported that he and Kluk met with the BoS and Mike Petrovich (architect) about the building needs and it was a very positive meeting. Petrovich is doing a proposal to do the design work and he gave context to the cost and priorities on the building. Hatch said phase 1 would be structural rehab of 1st floor, foundation and accessibility with a cost range of $120K. Then 2 more phases would follow with phase 2 being siding, windows, etc. Dulac asked if the phases would be done year after year and Krygeris said yes. Hatch said that Petrovich would help with applying for grants. Chidester asked about what would be phase 3. Hatch said anything not done in phase 2 and the upstairs. Hatch said the recommendation is that the exercise equipment needs to be removed now. Hatch said he found the meeting very encouraging.

3.5       CIP – Schwartz said that the CIP was completed and passed on to the BoS.

3.6       Master Plan – This is a placeholder. Kluk said she will get Chidester a copy of the Master Plan to read over. Schwartz will add Chidester to the email list also.

3.7       ZBA report – Hatch said the ZBA hasnÕt met this month and their annual report is being worked on. He spoke about the procedural changes they have made and how the 2 meeting procedure is working well for the board. He sees the town report as a good opportunity to let the public know they are working on their behalf.

3.8       Noise Ordinance – Krygeris pointed out that the existing Noise Ordinance was implemented and signed by a previous Planning Board so he feels it is ours to update. We agreed to put it on our agenda.


4.0       Driveway Permits:

4.1       Scott Snell, Valley Road, TM 15-25, Ed reported a new driveway (not permitted), Schwartz said that Thayer let her know that Snell had 3 permitted driveways but he had closed one off and installed a new one, which he felt needed permitting. Schwartz reported she sent him a letter and asked him to fill out a driveway permit application and to make a drawing indicating the closed driveway and the new one.


5.0      Mergers: None


6.0       Communications:

6.1       Letter from Compass, re. updating FEMA maps, looking for information, meeting on December 12th.

6.2       Copy of site plan for Cook Family burial plot send by Peter Mellen.


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting - We decided to change the date to Wednesday, January 2, 2018, at 6:30 PM, at the Town Hall.



8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:18 PM

            Motioned by Dulac, seconded by Kluk, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz