Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2019


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, Town Hall

0.1       Members present: Hatch, Revane, Dulac and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Crandall, Chidester, Shifflett and Terani

0.4       Visitors: None


Hatch opened the meeting at 6:30 PM and put Kluk in for Crandall.


1.0       Minutes: November 5th meeting - Dulac made a motion to approve as written, Revane seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


2.0       New Business:

2.1       Town Report - Hatch read his draft report to us, Kluk motioned to have Hatch send the report to Deb as written, Dulac seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


3.0       Old Business:

3.1       LUO list priorities – Hatch said he was not sure where we are in our process and adopting meaningful changes means going to a public hearing. He isnŐt sure how to present something beyond a single change. Schwartz had compiled the changes we discussed into a document for review. Kluk feels we need to do some more research, write the sections that need drafting and run things by the attorney for an opinion. Hatch said we have time to work on these, we should continue with reading through the next sections and form a subcommittee to work on the language. Revane said that when we have a package together we can send it to Matt. Hatch thinks we can do the remaining sections in the next 3 months and then dive in and tackle the issues.

3.2       RV Issue - Hatch said that we have set a date for the public hearing on the petitioned LUO RV section amendment for December 16th, Monday, at 7PM. Revane said that the petition met the requirements to be considered valid. Hatch will run the hearing and let Garvin speak on his proposed amendment and then take questions and comments on it. Kluk mentioned that we have opinions from NHMA, Ben Frost at NHHA and UVLSRPC. We are waiting on an opinion from town counsel. Kluk has concerns about the preamble and what that means specifically concerning conflicts. We can ask Garvin for specifics at the hearing. Revane said that the amendment could be tweaked but not changed in substance. We will have a handout to clarify the facts and present the bigger picture.

3.3       Town Center Vision project – Schwartz said the TCV subcommittee met recently and worked with Chidester to give him ideas and guidance. He is working on a plan for access, driveway, parking and landscaping for the area around the town buildings to present at Town Meeting. Schwartz said they also discussed the Town Pound area and the Historic walking tour. Hatch made a motion to pay Chidester a $250 retainer and encumber the balance needed to pay him from our 2019 budget. Kluk seconded and all voted in favor.

3.4       Old Schoolhouse project update – Hatch said that he and Revane met with 2 building auditors referred and paid for by Eversource to look at the envelope and mechanicals for the building. They toured and assessed the building, received a set of drawings (from the architect) and will contact the architect and engineer for details. They will write a report and make recommendations that we can pick and choose from. Hatch thought the report would be ready in January. Hatch thinks it was a very good move and we will get expert recommendations from them.

3.5       Master Plan – this is a placeholder.

3.6       CIP - Schwartz said the CIP document was passed to the BoS when the changes were made after our last meeting and discussion. The BoS is now working on budgets and warrant articles.

3.7       ZBA Report – Hatch said the ZBA is meeting tomorrow night on two cases.

3.8       UVLSRPC - Dulac said that the board is meeting tomorrow night.

3.9       Noise Ordinance: Hatch said we need to hold the public hearing for this and we decided to hold it before our next meeting on January 7th at 6:30PM with the regular meeting to follow. Schwartz will notice for the hearing.


4.0       Driveway Permits:

4.1       Alfred Rubega, TM 17-8, Smith Pond Road, temporary driveway for logging, Ed decided that a swale at the driveway entrance would be better. Hatch signed the permit.


5.0       Mergers: None


6.0      Communications:

6.1       Petition for amending the LUO, section 306


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting – January 7, 2020, at 6:30 PM at the Town Hall.


8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:14PM

            Motioned by Dulac, seconded by Revane, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz