Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

November 5, 2013

0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM

            0.1       Members present: Cook, Crandall, Dagesse, Marshall, Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Terani

0.4           Visitors: Phil Barker, Brian Moser, Bob Wright


Cook called the meeting to order at 6:30PM

1.0           Minutes: Public Hearing and meeting – October 1, 2013 minutes, Crandall had a few clarifications he wanted in the approval of minutes section, Schwartz will make the clarifications and repost. Marshall motioned to approve with changes, Crandall seconded, all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       CIP - Brian Moser and Bob Wright met with us to discuss their CIP requests. Wright said that their request this year is for the same as last year - $25,000 of which $10,000 will be reimbursed out of the billing fund. They thought they might be going for a new ambulance this year but have decided to put it off for another year. He feels the present vehicle is running well and they can wait another year to make the purchase. Dagesse asked what they are considering for a vehicle and the price. Wright said they are looking at either a 2-wheel drive for around $185K or 4-wheel drive for $186K. The 4-wheel drive helps with not having to put chains off and on in winter. Dagesse asked if he knew how much is in the billing fund? Wright wasnÕt sure and Dagesse was concerned that whether there would be enough money available if there was an emergency and a new vehicle was needed. Wright feels they could find the money in that circumstance. Dagesse wants to make sure the warrant article will allow the Selectmen to expend the money in the fund if it is needed suddenly. Wright said the present ambulance has 50K miles on it now and feels they can go another year.

Moser spoke about the Fire DepartmentÕs request for $20K for the equipment fund, this is the same amount they asked for last year and he feels it is adequate for their needs. He said that we need to look at the problem with dispatch and moving our services out of Hillsboro, who will not be providing this service to Fire and Rescue after next year. They are speaking with several other service providers, such as Newport, Keene and CMA (Concord). The issue of who to go with is complicated by problems with pager and radio compatibility and whether they will have to replace some equipment. Hillsboro can continue to dispatch Police for $3K but it may be advantageous to do both with a new provider. CMA is bringing in a temporary 100Õ monopole at the Transfer Station to see if the signal would reach all parts of town. If a cell tower is installed at the Transfer Station this would provide a spot for a needed receiver/transmitter. This will be under a separate warrant article for Town Meeting.

We thanked Moser and Wright for coming in to speak with us. We will set a time to speak with Thayer and Marshall about their requests in the near future.

After they left, Dagesse asked about the request for money to pave the apron in front of the East Washington Fire Station. She was concerned about the fact that it is on private property. Schwartz said it is on leased property that is maintained by the town for its own use. We will speak to Moser and Thayer about this item and feel that it should probably appear under building maintenance.

Cook asked if anyone has further questions about CIP items. Dagesse commented about the Town Building fund. After researching this fund they found that it can only be used for emergencies so she feels that we donÕt need to add to it this year. Schwartz said that there isnÕt a request for funds in that line this year. Kluk commented that there was an amendment on the article establishing the fund that the Selectmen were to come back in a year (at the next Town Meeting) and present a plan for building maintenance for all town buildings. She asked if this was done. Marshall said it wasnÕt done but the Selectmen are working on plans for both the Town Hall and the Safety Complex.

2.2       Master Plan Update – Kluk said that the Master Plan community survey is complete and was answered by around 346 people. It was filled out online by 132 and the committee inputted the paper copies during several work sessions. We feel it is a good response rate of well over 20%. The last input session is taking place tomorrow morning. The subcommittee has a target of the next Planning Board meeting, to have the reports done and presented to the Planning Board for approval for distribution to the community. She praised the subcommitteeÕs hard work and said they are a great team. Marshall asked if we will let the subcommittee go once this is done. Kluk said that there is lots more to be done on the Master Plan update and they will all stay on the subcommittee through the entire process of drafting the update. The draft will then go to the Planning Board for edits and suggestions before final publishing.

2.3       Updated Driveway permit application – Schwartz showed the board the updated Driveway Permit Application with the revision we approved last month. Dagesse said she is now providing the updated permit application to those that request an application. Schwartz has posted the update to the website and gave a copy to Cook for the Assessors file.

2.4       Business permits – Thunder Mountain Construction - Cullen, Snell Construction & Excavation. We will move this item to the December meeting.


3.0       New Business:           

3.1       Phil Barker came in to discuss a potential annexation and wanted to know what would be required for the application. He explained that the issue all started when he was helping his neighbor who owns TM11-76. His neighbor wants to put a house on his property and is concerned with the setbacks. Barker checked the deeds and he found some surprises. He said his father sold the lots in 1975 and the deeds were written mentioning iron pins, the brook and stonewalls. He said according to the deeds the tax maps are drawn incorrectly. He has checked the bounds and found the iron pins and the measurements in the deeds check out. Cook asked him to bring his deeds to the Assessors and they will have the maps corrected by the mapping company. The main issue is with TM 11-76, which has less acreage than the tax map showed. The man who owns this parcel would like to obtain approximately 1 ¼ acre from Barker. Cook said this could be done with a boundary line adjustment or annexation. She said that do have this done you need a survey of the properties involved done by a licensed surveyor and then it is a simple matter. She asked if he has a survey of the property and whether it is stamped and registered. Barker has a sketch plan that was done by Farnsworth but it is not registered or stamped. Barker asked if he would have to do his entire parcel, he said there are stonewall boundaries for most of it. He asked if the Planning Board could waive a survey of the entire lot. Cook said it can be an option to get a partial survey done but it still needs to be done by a licensed surveyor. Barker didnÕt have a copy of the sketch plan he has and we would need to see it. Cook asked what the time frame was for getting this done.

Barker said that when they discovered the problem they thought the neighborÕs well might be on his land but they found the boundary pins and it wasnÕt. Barker asked about the numerous annexations done for Callander, did he need a full survey. The answer was yes we had a full survey for each one. Barker asked about the fees for the public hearing. Dagesse said notification is $6.80 per abutter. Barker estimated 15 abutters. He thinks it will cost $4 to $5K for a survey. It may be too expensive. Cook said that it is his decision to make, if he doesnÕt want to move forward he can still bring the deeds in to the assessors and they will correct the tax maps.

3.2       Business Permit application, Sarah Holdner, photography, 453 Faxon Hill Road, TM 11-72, fee was paid. We looked over the permit application and determined this was a cottage industry and was exempt from a site plan review. Marshall motioned to approve the permit, Crandall seconded and all voted in favor. Dagesse will print a permit and Cook will sign it.


4.0       Driveway permits:

4.1       Brooks McCandlish, forester, Ayers Pond Rd, TM6-8, permanent driveway for logging, Ed checked, Lynn and Tom checked, fee was paid. Marshall said that he built the driveway and it will be used for logging off and on for at least 5 years. It will be 40Õ wide when it is in use and they will narrow it to 20Õ when they are done after each use. It is the Dole property and is about 180 acres. Marshall recused himself from voting because of his involvement. Dagesse motioned to approve the permit, Crandall seconded it and all voted in favor.


5.0       Mergers:

            5.1       Donna Lanni, Monroe Circle, LAE, TM 14-258 and TM 14-259, deeds provided, fee paid. Cook checked the deeds and Dagesse provided the book and page numbers for the deeds. Cook determined that the new TM number will be 14-259, as there is no structure on either lot and this is the lot with road frontage on Monroe Circle. Crandall motioned to approve the merger, Schwartz seconded and all voted in favor. Cook sign the paperwork and Schwartz will send to the registry.


6.0       Communications:

6.1       Intent to Cut, McDonald/Fortune, accessing thru Bradford, TM3-1

6.2       NHDES, copy of acceptance of Shoreland application for 973 Ashuelot Drive, TM10-16

6.3       UVLSRPC invitation to Broadband Forum, October 30th, 6-8PM.

6.4       NHDES notice of accepted septic application, 81 Sandy Knolls Rd, TM 9-36.

6.5       NHDES, copy of acceptance of Shoreland application for 521 Millen Pond Rd, TM11-43

6.6       Copy of letter to Bartevian, re:Valley Road driveway culvert issue.

6.7       Copy of survey from P. Mellen, for proposed easement on property of Kathryn Luiz, Coolidge Road.


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, December 3, 2013, at 6:30PM.


8.0       Adjournment:              Time 8:03PM

            Motioned by Dagesse, seconded by Marshall, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,  Nan Schwartz