Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - Draft

October 6, 2020


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, at Camp Morgan Lodge

0.1       Members present: Hatch, Kluk, Crandall, Revane and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present:

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Chidester and Terani

0.4       Visitors: Peter Mellen, Tim Callender, Eileen and James Mann


1.0       Public Hearing - Hatch called the Public Hearing to order at 6:30 PM. He stated the purpose of the hearing was to consider the application for annexation of Parcel A from TM 11-11 to TM 11-11-1, owned by Tim Callender and Mary Boudart. The Board again reviewed the plan drawn by Mellen and he stated that no changes were made from the previous month. Schwartz said that the application was complete and the fees were paid by the applicant. Hatch asked if there were any public comments, there was no public in attendance and Schwartz said there were no comments sent by mail or email. There being no further questions or comments Hatch closed the Public Hearing at 6:35PM.


2.0       Minutes: September 1st meeting – There were no changes requested, Kluk made a motion to approve as written, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       Eileen and James Mann – Hatch said that Eileen Mann had called him about a plan they had worked out with their abutters and tried to register at the Registry of Deeds but they asked them to work with our board. The MannŐs explained they have property at 578 Marlow Road, TM14-47, and have worked out a plan with two of their abutters to straighten out lot lines of the 3 abutting properties. Their property line comes within 8Ó of the existing house and they would like to move it. Hatch explained the problem with moving lot lines on non-conforming lots. Revane said that if they made the piece of each lot to be moved more equal it would make the process easier. The Zoning Board of Adjustment may need to be involved if there are variances needed. Eileen asked if the road has been there for 50 years and the house was built 50 years ago why do they have to meet the rules for today? We explained that they can live with the non-conformities that exist but if they want to change things they have to meet the present day requirements or seek a variance. The MannŐs left us a copy of their plan and will think about their next step.

3.2       2021 CIP – Schwartz said the CIP request forms went out. She asked if we had any requests we want to make. No one had any at this time.

3.3       Planning and Land Use Book order – Schwartz asked how many books to order and we decided on 7. Schwartz will order the books. We discussed the need for more alternates on the board.


4.0       Old Business:

4.1       Peter Mellen, Karpowski/Daley Annexation – Mellen brought the mylars for the annexation we approved at the Public Hearing. Hatch signed the mylars and Schwartz will take them to the Registry of Deeds.

4.2       Washington General Store: Hatch said there is no update but he continues to look for available grants. He asked Curran whether he had gotten a quote for paving/asphalt and he hadnŐt. Hatch said that most federal grants have lots of strings attached.

4.3       LUO review – Kluk went over the draft language for #303 (On-Site Waste), #308 (Glare Lighting) and #313 (Junky yards) along with a definition (Industrial waste). Schwartz said that in going through the changes we discussed there were a few things she had notes on, so she worked on them with Kluk. We decided to make the changes proposed. Hatch made a motion to move forward with the changes resolving grammar and fixing inconsistencies in the LUO with no change to intent and the 2 separate sections containing substantial changes and 1 new section and bring them all to a public hearing, Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Schwartz will incorporate the changes into the LUO draft. We discussed how we will bring them to the public hearing. It was decided that we will bring the three newest as separate ballot items and all the updates and typo type changes as one piece. We decided on November 17th at 6:30PM for the public hearing date/time and will hold our November meeting following the hearing. We will ask permission to use the upper hall of Town Hall with a limited number who can attend and set up a simultaneous zoom session for others. Schwartz will notice the hearing and meeting date/time.

4.4       Town Center Vision project – Hatch shared the new visual proposals for driveway access and parking for the Town Center with the Select Board and they were received without objection. They had a couple of suggestions we will incorporate. The Police want one parking space on either side of the Schoolhouse and the ability to drive both ways on the one-way drive during emergencies. Schwartz will speak to Ed Thayer about a cost for the driveway work. We will discuss doing the project in one year. Crandall will run the plan by the church people. Crandall suggests we put the new visuals on display in the Town Hall. Schwartz will talk to Parks & Rec. We will come up with bullet points and a good title for the project to promote to the public.

4.5       Old Schoolhouse project update – Revane said the painters will paint the exterior soon. The DPW dug the trenches and the electric conduit and the sprinkler lines are in. The poles will be removed when the electric is hooked up. They are looking for granite steps for the front doors. The furnace will be hooked up soon.

4.6       Master Plan – this is a placeholder.

4.7       ZBA Report – Hatch said the ZBA met recently on minor issues. They have an amended appeal application that they worked on with advice from the state.

4.8       UVLSRPC – Hatch is now an official commissioner on the UVLSRPC board. He said they meet every other month and are meeting by zoom right now. He said they have a new director – Megan Butts and she intends to visit all the PBŐs to see what services they might need from the Regional Planning Commission.


5.0       Driveway Permits: None


6.0       Mergers:

6.1       Steven Boyce - merging 2 lots, TM 14-364 and TM 14-395 on Coolidge Drive. Schwartz said the deeds were provided and the fee was paid. Kluk made a motion to approve the merger, Schwartz seconded and all voted in favor. Hatch signed the merger and Schwartz will take it to the Registry of Deeds.


7.0      Communications:

            7.1       Intent-to-cut, Chausse, Old Marlow Road, TM 22-59

            7.2       UVLSRPC, Planning and Land Use book order form


7.0      Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting and Public Hearing – November 17, 2020, at 6:30 PM, Upper Hall of Town Hall. This is a change of date for our regular meeting which falls on Election Day.


8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:38PM

            Motioned by Crandall, Kluk seconded by, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,  

Nan Schwartz