Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - Draft

October 2, 2018

0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, Town Hall


0.1       Members present: Hatch, Krygeris and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Crandall, Dulac and Terani

0.4       Visitors: James Desclos


Hatch opened the meeting at 6:30 PM, he asked Kluk to sit in for Dulac.


1.0       Minutes: September 4th meeting – Hatch asked if there were any comments on the minutes. Kluk wanted 2.1 corrected where Crandall states that day participants would start on September 8th, She said it is a 3 day event only, Schwartz said that Terani asked the LUO definition of a business (not Dulac), Schwartz will correct. Krygeris made a motion to approve as corrected, Hatch seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


2.0       New Business:

2.1       James Desclos – Desclos said he was attending our meeting to ask about what he needs to do for moving a lot line. He owns a parcel at 851 King Street, which is a 100ÕX100Õ lot with a 24ÕX24Õ camp on it and has recently bought an abutting lot TM 19-26 (28 acres). He showed us a sketch plan of the lot and what he intends to add from the larger lot making the lot larger to accommodate a 12ÕX16Õ shed that he would like to build. The resulting lot would be 230Õ (road frontage) by 200Õ (side line) by 330Õ (back line) with a dogleg of 100ÕX100Õ to join his existing sideline of 100Õ to the road. Schwartz said what you are asking for is a lot line adjustment or annexation. Desclos asked about current use law and how this would affect the status of the larger lot. Krygeris explained that he wouldnÕt have to take all the land he was annexing out of current use, only the part he was actually building on. It would have to come out of current use if he sold the larger lot later. Desclos asked about having to get a variance. Hatch said that the rule of thumb for a variance is - is this the last reasonable way to meet the setbacks. Schwartz suggested he merge the properties. Desclos said he doesnÕt want to merge in case he wants to do something else with the larger lot later. Kluk suggested making 2 lots of over 10 acres each to keep both lots in current use permanently. Schwartz explained that he would need a survey done of both lots for a lot line adjustment. Desclos said he wants to add a 12ÕX12Õ screen porch on the back of the existing camp but he is fifteen feet shy for setback on the rear lot line. He said the camp is on the class VI section of King Street, which is also a complication. He said he has stayed there in the winter before and understands that the road is not plowed. Schwartz said he will have to sign off on liability to get a building permit for the shed. Hatch suggested that he go for a building permit for the shed on the 28-acre piece and the screen porch is another issue to keep open for the future. Kluk pointed out LUO section 402.2, which would grant him a 25Õ setback on the rear and side lines for the screen porch because the building is existing and non-conforming. This would make it so he didnÕt need the variance for the screen porch. We gave him a copy of this section of the LUO and suggested he go to the BoS for a building permit for the shed on the 28-acre piece (meeting the setbacks) and the screen porch on the other lot and decide about the lot line adjustment, which would require a survey and more time and effort, later.

2.2       Chief Murdough  - Chief Ryan is suggesting that we meet with him to discuss the existing Noise Ordinance and possible changes to make to it. Krygeris explained that the Police have had multiple complaints recently about people shooting guns off at night. He said the noise levels are too high and the impact noises are difficult to record. He said the state is protective of gun use. There is a law about shooting within 300Õ of a permanently occupied residence without permission but enforcement is difficult. Hatch said we should meet with Murdough. Krygeris said that Murdough has encouraged people to record the sounds with a timestamp. Kluk asked if several of us should meet with him between meetings. Krygeris said the town has a sound meter but it needs recalibrating at this point. Hatch thinks it is positive that Murdough wants to meet with us. Kluk suggested some of us should meet with him; Schwartz will contact him to see when he is available.


3.0       Old Business:

3.1       Mingary yoga business – Crandall sent a letter to the PB stating he is recusing himself from the issue and Dulac has recused himself also. Hatch said the BoS wants to meet with us on the issue after they recently met with Cummings. Krygeris asked if a one-time thing was a business. Hatch said that CrandallÕs research and question to the NHMA put the ball back in our court; the LUO is the directive for the issue. Krygeris said that Cummings threatened a lawsuit. Kluk said she has lots of questions for Cummings, if he came in to talk to us. Hatch said it is now out of our hands and in the hands of the BoS. He said it is an open question but asked if it is it urgent. Krygeris said that the BoS questions whether we should look at these things as a business. Hatch said we would wish that the issue came up in a general way to find answers to that question. He said we should meet with the BoS for a discussion a few weeks out. Kluk found that some towns have a permit for events (of certain size). Schwartz said that we should research other towns to see what they do for events and how they differ from businesses.

3.2       CIP –Schwartz shared the preliminary CIP document for 2019 and we went over it. She said she put some stand in numbers for Fire and EMS because the Chief quit and hadnÕt filled out the forms. She is speaking with the Deputy Chief to get numbers. Hatch asked about the impact of the bond money and what other equipment needs replacing. Schwartz said she has to get the bond numbers from the treasurer and is working on that. Hatch said we got preliminary numbers on the Schoolhouse we should present them to the BoS. Krygeris said that the BoS is talking to the Library about the stairs and walkway, Schwartz will ask for new numbers from them. She brought up the radio tower needs, which the town raised $20K for 2 years ago. The BoS dropped the fund last January and didnÕt put it in the warrant last year. She doesnÕt know why this was done and is speaking with Fire-EMS about what the needs are for the tower looking forward. It may have to be added back in this year and the money raised previously put back into the intended fund. Schwartz will speak with P&R about the field drainage project and what is needed for next year and going forward. Schwartz will update the schedule with any new information she receives.

3.3       Town Center Vision Subcommittee – Krygeris asked why the subcommittee is concentrating on the Schoolhouse and driveway projects at this time. Kluk said we have a broader focus; UNH is helping to work with us to find issues and answers for the center. The Schoolhouse is an integral part of the Town Center. We have received some numbers for work on the Schoolhouse from a restoration architect and Keene State professor. Kluk said that both are working with us for free. Krygeris said we (BoS) are planning to do the Schoolhouse. Kluk said that what they are planning is undetermined and not communicated to the public. We are focusing on the physical care of the building. Schwartz said we are determining some phasing and priorities. Kluk said that we are working on a broader vision and working toward a community outreach meeting to involve the public in coming up with ideas and priorities for the process.

3.4       Municipal Buildings project update – Hatch said we covered this during the previous discussion.

3.5       Anna AnnelliÕs business permit application – Schwartz said we havenÕt had any word from Annelli on her health permitting from the state. We will keep her application tabled until we hear from her but take this off the agenda for now.

3.6       Master Plan – Hatch thinks our work on the Town Visioning Subcommittee is bringing forward ideas from the Master Plan.

3.7       ZBA report – Hatch that the ZBA has had some meetings and a hearing resulting in a denial. It is an issue he hopes will find a good resolution.

3.8       LUO suggested change –Kluk asked about limiting the number of under 50 sq. ft. buildings on a property. We decided at the previous meeting that we wouldnÕt right now because people might want multiple buildings for differing reasons. The LUO covers percentage of lot size for impervious surface restrictions. Hatch thinks the best way to deal with it is to strike the 50 sq. ft. limit so all building requires a building permit. Kluk brought up the parking issue and property owners who donÕt have a driveway or parking spaces, coming up to use their land and parking along the roadway. We decided we will this discuss further.

Krygeris said that the BoS was concerned that the junkyard language in the LUO is in the Business section and they are wondering if it should be separated out. Schwartz said that the language cites the state RSA concerning junkyards and the state considers them to be a business so that is the section we put the language. The town doesnÕt allow junkyards as defined by the state as they are a business that is not allowed by the Town. The problem is people donÕt consider their junky yards as junkyards or a business (even though the state does define them that way). We will consider whether we want to repeat the junkyard section elsewhere in the LUO for clarity. We will keep these issues on the agenda until they are decided.


4.0       Driveway Permits: None


5.0      Mergers:

5.1      Melissa Tremaine Morin & Michael Morin, 11 Coolidge Drive, TM 14-368 and TM 14-367, fee and deeds provided. Schwartz said one deed was in MelissaÕs maiden name but Michael was also on the deed. She called the Registry of Deeds to check if it was ok and they said it was. Kluk made a motion to approve the merger, Hatch seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Hatch signed the merger and Schwartz will send to the Registry.


6.0       Communications:

6.1       UVLSRPC Letter asking for emergency projects that address an immediate safety concern to add to the 10-year Transportation Improvement Plan.

6.2       Intent-to-cut, Dole, Ayers Pond Road, TM 6-4 and 6-8

6.3       Intent-to-cut, Anderson, Jefts Road, TM 18-9 and 18-12

6.4       Intent-to-cut, Skifflet, Halfmoon Pond Road, TM 12-2          


We discussed the letter from the UVLSRPC and decided to bring it to the Town Center Vision subcommittee, as they may wish to ask that the walkway and road safety issues are add to the DOTÕs 10-year Transportation Plan as an emergency request.

7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, November 6, 2018, at 6:30 PM, at the Town Hall. Hatch noted that this is voting day and asked if we want to keep this date for our meeting. We all agreed that we would keep this date and reminded everyone to vote prior to the meeting time.



8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:57 PM

            Motioned by Krygeris, seconded by Hatch, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz