Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

October 1, 2013


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM

            0.1       Members present: Cook, Crandall, Dagesse, Marshall, Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk, Terani

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: None

0.4           Visitors: Ed Thayer, Everett Connor, Barbara Connor


Cook open the meeting at 6:30PM

1.0           Minutes: Public Hearing and meeting - September 3, 2013, Site Walk - Sept 11, 2013, MP Working meeting – Sept 11, 2013, Public Hearing - Sept 12, 2013

One change was suggested by Marshall, he asked that where Cook asked about a special town meeting, Schwartz commented and then Marshall answered that the Selectmen called the LGC and they said this didnÕt qualify for a special town meeting. Schwartz will correct the Public Hearing minutes to reflect this and repost them. Crandall motioned to approve the Public Hearing minutes, Marshall seconded and all voted in favor. On the minutes for the regular September 3rd meeting Terani asked whether the board was setting a precedent by requiring a vote to approve Schwartz and Kluk as members of the Safety Complex committee. Were they suggesting that PB members need permission to be on other committees in town? Marshall didnÕt feel we were setting a precedent and the vote was actually never taken at the meeting. He asked Schwartz and Kluk if they wanted the board to take a vote and they didnÕt feel it was necessary. Kluk said that in 7.0 the reminder for a work session on September 12th should be the Public Hearing continuation. Schwartz will correct and repost. Marshall motioned to approve the minutes for the September 3rd meeting, as corrected, Crandall seconded, all voted in favor. On the September 11th site walk minutes, Crandall motioned to approve as is, Marshall seconded, all voted in favor. On the September 11th working session with the Master Plan update committee, Cook felt they did not need approving. On the September 12th Public Hearing continuation minutes, Dagesse motioned to approve as is, Crandall seconded, all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       Bartevian TM15-38/Moore TM 15-156, Valley Road culvert/drainage issue. Cook stated that we conducted a site walk on September 11th and observed the conditions of the culvert and road. Cook asked Thayer to speak about the issue or answer any questions that come up. Crandall asked if there is a legal distinction between a driveway culvert and a drainage culvert? Thayer answered that he didnÕt know of one. Crandall asked if they town maintains the culvert. He answered that the town does maintain the culvert and it hasnÕt been an issue until now. They cleared it whenever it was needed along with the turnouts along the property. Marshall asked if maintenance includes replacement. Thayer answered that it doesnÕt but occasionally they will replace one that is blown out from storm damage. Crandall asked when easements are used. Thayer said that on a newly installed culvert or replacement they will require a deeded easement for maintenance. Thayer stated that this culvert has been in existence for 30 years or more and the town has been maintaining it happily. Marshall stated that the culvert id grandfathered. Crandall asked if the town would be better protected if they had a deeded easement. Thayer said it is always better to have an easement. Crandall asked if it might be better to have an elbow on the end of the culvert to send the water down the stone wall. Schwartz said that that is where the water is flowing already. Marshall said that the water did over flow the stone wall during the big storm event. Many people called during that storm and had problems, it is the landownerÕs responsibility to keep them clean and functioning. He feels MooreÕs complaint was blown out of proportion, he has an issue about his well but wonÕt have it tested. Marshall stated the town is in compliance and willing to help but it is the responsibility of the owner. Thayer stated that BartevianÕs is no different than hundreds of culverts all over town. Marshall said that the road is crowned so that it drains to both sides of the road, as it should be. Cook asked the Connors if they had any comments. E. Connor said that he has lived there since 1989 and the culvert has always been cleaned by the town, every year. He didnÕt know why it stopped this year and it was a surprise to him. He said he is authorized to pass on any easements to the Bartevians that the town would like to propose. Thayer said he would welcome a deeded easement. Crandall thought this would solve the problem forever. Thayer has a document he can use to draft an easement to send to the Bartevians. Marshall said that the town still canÕt promise that water wonÕt go on to MooreÕs property. Connor stated he didnÕt realize it was his responsibility because the town always maintained it. Thayer said that the maintenance would have happened this year but because of the timing of the storm they hadnÕt gotten to it yet. Safe travel surfaces on public roads take priority and a lower priority would be private property, they have no responsibility to do anything for these issues. Thayer said the ideal situation is to get an easement. He suggested the Planning Board draft a letter to answer the BartevianÕs lawyer. Marshall had a draft of a letter he had written. Cook read the letter to the board. The board members and Thayer had several suggestions to include. We decided to run it by town attorney, Matt Serge before we send it to the Bartevians. Kluk wanted to know if there was any difference between a driveway culvert and a drainage culvert. Marshall said that legally there is no difference. Crandall stated that LGC said if a driveway goes over the culvert it is a driveway culvert. Kluk aksed that if we get an easement does that mean we are responsible for it? Thayer stated that an easement gives us permission to go on private property for maintenance. He said we are not setting a precedent and the town takes these issues on a case-by-case basis only. Schwartz will type up the letter and send out to members for comments before we send it to the attorney.

Marshall mentioned that there is a change in wording needed on the driveway permit. He feels we should add maintenance to the line about construction. Dagesse made a motion to approve this change, Schwartz seconded, all voted in favor. Schwartz will make the change and repost the permit online.

2.2       CIP, Schwartz provided members with a draft CIP document that incorporated requests from the department heads. She said we received requests from the Selectmen, Police, Fire, Assessors, Parks and Rec and Public Works/Transfer Station. We looked over the document. Schwartz said that we didnÕt receive anything from Rescue but she used last yearÕs request because it is usually the same. Dagesse asked about a total for last yearÕs requests, she wanted to know what came from taxation and what came from a fund balance. Schwartz answered that this column was added to let department heads know what they had requested last year, she hadnÕt totaled it but could easily do so. Dagesse thought it would be helpful for budgeting information. Daggesse pointed out we should remove the reimbursement line from the bridge reconstruction fund because the town doesnÕt participate in the program anymore. She said the state still reimburses for engineering costs though, Schwartz will remove this from the document. Marshall said that Thayer has three more red listed bridges to replace, Barden Pond outlet, Smith Pond Road and Ayers Pond Road. He will ask Thayer about one other bridge on Valley Road. Dagesse asked about the amount in the Town Hall painting fund, she said it should be $85K, Schwartz will correct. Kluk asked the difference between a Capital Reserve fund and capital outlay. She wondered if we need to add the $40K passed at town meeting for the Safety Complex planning. It was decided to add this to the CIP sheet. Schwartz asked if we need to call all department heads in to talk about their requests. It was decided we will invite them to attend our November meeting.

2.3       Master Plan Update – Kluk said that the Master Plan community survey was sent to 1374 households on September 20th. We are using several ways to remind people to fill out their surveys, a Nixle announcement, a News item on the town website, a poster that is up around town and word of mouth. As of today there are 47 responses online and we have received 88 by mail or hand delivery for a total of 135. We have schedueled 2 work sessions to do data input into Survey Monkey for the paper surveys. We are still under budget with a total of 1945 spent for printing and postage. There will also be about $100 spent on Survey Monkey. Schwartz mentioned we will need to budget for next year to cover the visioning workshops, we would like to use someone from UVLSRPC to facilitate these.

2.4       Business permits – Thunder Mountain Construction - Cullen, Snell Construction & Excavation. We will move this item to the November meeting.


3.0       New Business:           

3.1       Reminder - UVLSRPC Regional Planning meeting at Camp Morgan Lodge on October 8, Tuesday at 6-9PM, Schwartz reminded everyone of the meeting and hoped they will come participate.


4.0       Driveway permits: None


5.0       Mergers:

            5.1       Mark and Pamela Barrett, 23 Harrison Rd., TM 14-30, TM 14-12, deeds provided, fee paid. Cook checked the paperwork and the tax maps, Schwartz motioned to approve, Crandall seconded, all voted in favor. Cook determined the new tax map number will be TM 14-30, Dagesse said that the Barretts requested that the paperwork be sent to the registry as soon as possible because the are closing on their property. Schwartz will send tomorrow.      

5.2       Bernard and Bethann Erias, 585 Ashuelot Drive, TM 14-32, TM 14-31, deeds provided, fee paid, Cook checked the paperwork and the tax maps, Crandall motioned to approve, Marshall seconded, all voted in favor. Cook determined the new tax map number will be TM 14-32.


6.0       Communications:

6.1       Intent to Cut, DeSouza, East Shore Drive, TM20-82, 20-83

6.2       NHDES, letter re. pre-app meeting about deck and walkways, 758 Faxon Hill Road, TM 15-70, no further action needed.

6.3       NH Division of Historical Resources, notice of receipt of application for project review for proposed cable replacement Ashuelot Pond, no found issues.

6.4       UVLSRPC invitation and agenda for regional planning meeting, Camp Morgan Lodge, Tuesday, October 8th, 6-9PM.

6.5       NHDES notice of accepted septic application, Long Pond Road, TM 20-15.

6.6       Intent to Cut, Dole, Ayers Pond Road, TM 6-4 and 6-8

6.7       Notice from Town of Sutton, public hearing for cell tower, October 8, 7PM.

6.8       Email from Joanne Mellady, asking about subdividing her 6-acre lot, she previously merged 3-2 acre lots on Beaver Brook Road, email response.

We discussed having the assessors call about a driveway permit for the Dole intent-to-cut, Cook will ask France to take care of it.


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, November 5, 2013, at 6:30PM.


8.0       Adjournment:              Time 8:12PM

            Motioned by Marshall, seconded by Crandall, all voted in favor.



Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz