Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - Draft

September 6, 2022


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, on 2nd floor of Town Hall

0.1       Members present: Hatch, Kluk, Crandall, Revane and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kapteyn

0.3       Visitors: Bruce Putnam



1.0           Minutes: August 2nd Meeting and August 16th Public Hearing and Meeting Š Hatch asked if any changes were needed in the August 2nd minutes. There were none mentioned. Kluk made a motion to approve the minutes as written, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

Hatch asked about the August 16th Public Hearing and Meeting minutes Š Crandall asked that his motion under 2.0 include the prior discussion of FD equipment and the addition of the date of the FD ChiefÕs letter be added. Schwartz will make the changes. Kluk made a motion to approve as revised, Hatch seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


2.0           New Business: None


3.0           Old Business:

3.1           Bruce Putnam Business Permit Š Hatch asked Putnam if he wished to speak and Putnam said he wasnÕt sure why he was present at the meeting. He said he has been doing business without a permit for about 30 years and knows of others that are also doing business without a permit. Hatch said that he is required to get a permit. Schwartz said that she sent him the permit application back in April and he never responded. Putnam said that someone put him on report for doing business that he has always done, so we had to follow up. He said he makes money to pay his taxes. Hatch said we need a permit on file that he has a business. Putnam said he will do what he needs to do. He will work with Deb to get the application done. Kluk said he is using outside spaces so we will need to do a site visit. Hatch determined that he is probably a home business, as he is operating on his own property and does deliveries. Putnam said he will do what is necessary. Hatch thanked him for attending the meeting to discuss what needs to be done to come into compliance with the LUO.

3.2           Setbacks on Non-conforming lots discussion Š We asked Hatch to get the thoughts of the ZBA members about this issue. Hatch said that they didnÕt have a chance to discuss this but in general the ZBA is seeing a reoccurring trend; that people in general look at the LUO setbacks section #202 and they donÕt look at LUO section #403.1, which applies to alterations and expansion of non-conforming buildings and structures. Kluk pointed out that this section doesnÕt apply to new construction on an empty lot.

3.3           Rules of Procedure Š Kluk said she found a couple of typos that need correcting, Schwartz will make the corrections. Crandall asked about the removal of members or alternates and Schwartz said we didnÕt finish discussing it. We decided that RSA 673covers this and it is mentioned in 2.2. The Board approved of the changes and Hatch asked that the revision date be changed to August 2022. We will take this up again next month for final approval.

3.4           Revising instructions on Building Permit Application Š Schwartz shared the updated cover sheet and compliance certificate with the Select Board and Revane said that they were happy with it now. Schwartz will add these to the online application and post them to the website.

Revane asked about setbacks for propane tanks and he was reminded that there arenÕt any. Our only requirement is to screen the tank. Schwartz said that the gas companies have their own safety regulations and distances that they consider.

3.5           Borey Notice of Decision Š Schwartz said that the Notice of Decision finally made it to the Registry after a Post Office delay. She said that it was written with input from and review by Town Counsel who approved the final version. Schwartz said she put a copy of the registered document in the mail to Joyce Borey.

3.6       Lucky 7 Farm Š Revane reported that Rosaline Moot who was running the summer educational program at the farm has severed ties with Lucky 7 Farm. We discussed a future visit by the Health Officer to the farm in response to complaints made.

We discussed another existing farm that needs a business permit. Schwartz will send them a letter and application form.

3.7       Class VI Road Waiver Document Š No news on this, move to unresolved business.

3.8       Town Center Vision project Š No news

3.9       Old School House project Š Revane said that the wiring is almost complete, the ceiling tiles are being hung and when this is done they will tie in the sprinkler system. Hatch asked if Peabody Electric would quote on the lighting replacement project for the Elementary School. Revane thought they would and suggested KevinÕs Electric also.

3.10     Master Plan Š Hatch said we need to talk about this soon and an update is coming up in 2025. Kluk said she has a lot of materials and documents from the last update that she will share. Hatch thinks the update needs to start in 2024. He will mention it at Town Meeting in April so people begin to think about getting involved with it. Kluk said she has a potential alternate member that will attend next monthÕs meeting.

3.11     ZBA Report Š Hatch said that the ZBA members went to a hearing at the Housing Appeals Court in Concord. They wanted to learn about this new appeals process and how the board conducts its cases. He said that the Appeals Court is mainly concerned with record keeping and will find for the appellant if the records are not exhaustive. He said the ZBA adopted a Notice of Decision form that they used for the first time recently. He will share the form with us. Hatch said that they recently heard 2 cases where they granted variances. They had another case that they continued to next month which is asking for 4 variances. On the RV case that they heard, they were able to encumber the variance saying he could park the RV no closer than 10 feet to the side line and 35 feet from the waterfront. The owner will dump the RV waste into the existing septic system on site.

3.12     UVLSRPC Š Hatch said he attended their meeting. He was directed to speak with the head planner about issues he is facing with the ZBA and utilizing circuit riders. They need someone to consult on record keeping.


4.0           Unresolved Business

4.1           Kathryn & Steve Becker and Jane Shamaly Lot Line Adjustment and Annexation Š Schwartz said that the BeckerÕs are dropping off a check and having Meridian print the mylars. When they are at the Town Hall she will let Hatch know so he can sign them and she will take them to the Registry of Deeds.


5.0           Driveway Permits:

5.1       Lundquist, 521 Millen Pond Road, TM 11-43, driveway for house, fee paid, Ed looked at the site and plan, approved and signed off on the permit, Andrew looked and approved, signing off on the permit.

5.2           NEFF, Faxon Hill Road, TM 15-42, driveway for logging, permanent, fee paid, Ed looked at the site and approved, Andrew checked the site, approved and signed the permit.

5.3           Stubbs, requesting a renewal of previously signed permit, Beaver Brook Road, TM 20-182, the permit term lapsed while they were waiting for septic approval and they are seeking a renewal. Hatch said he would sign the permit for another year with no fee required. Schwartz will have Stubbs send the new application in for signing.


6.0           Mergers: None


7.0           Communications:

7.1       Intents-to Cut, Graham, TM 11-8, Old Marlow Road, NEFF, TM 15-42, Faxon Hill Road, Goshen Hill Farm, Rte. 31, TM 1-1


8.0       Date for next Planning Board meeting Š October 4, 2022 at 6:30pm on 2nd floor at Town Hall.


9.0      Adjournment:            Time: 8:04 PM

            Motioned by Kluk, seconded by Revane, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz