Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

September 1, 2015

0.0       Assembly:  6:40PM

            0.1       Members present: Crandall, Dagesse, Marshall and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk, Russell, Terani

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Cook, Hatch, Dulac

0.4           Visitors: None


Schwartz made a motion to have Jean Kluk sit in for Cook, Dagesse seconded the motion, all voted in favor.


1.0       Minutes: August 4, 2015 meeting, no changes were requested, Terani told Schwartz to add the missing ŌlĶ to GilbertÕs name, which she did. Kluk motioned to approve, Dagesse seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

Minutes: August 25, 2015 Site walk to Jon GibsonÕs business site, Kluk motioned to approve as written, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       Business permit - Jon and Camille Gibson, Gibson Pewter, Crandall stated there was no opposition to this business. Dagesse made a motion to approve the business permit, Marshall seconded and all voted in favor. Schwartz will issue the permit and send to the GibsonÕs with CrandallÕs signature.

2.2       Business Permit - Shane Mulliner, S.W.Mulliner Logging, Kluk recused herself from the vote because Mulliner is presently doing work for her on her property right now. Marshall asked Schwartz about MullinerÕs gray water, Schwartz said she had asked Mulliner about it and he stated that the sink in the building was used only for washing their hands and nothing else was going down the drain. The water goes into a dry well behind the building. All fluids from working on the trucks (oil) is deposited in a barrel that, when full, is taken to a business that reuses it for heating fuel. Kluk asked about the business classification and whether it was subject to review if he expands the business into any other business areas. We all agreed that this was the case. Kluk asked if we could issue the permit conditionally that he control the noise levels. Marshall stated the noise ordinance is in effect and we can check the noise levels if there is a complaint. Schwartz said the abutters were at the hearing to complain. We asked Marshall to look up the ordinance and he stated that from 7am to 7pm the limit is 65db, from 7pm to 10pm the limit is 55db and from 10pm to 7am the limit is 30db. He stated Mulliner could also appeal to the ZBA for relief from the ordinance. Kluk said it is a recurring noise but isnÕt constant. Terani said it is very loud when the first logs are dropped into the empty dump truck. Schwartz suggested a liner in the bottom of the truck to deaden the sound. Marshall made a motion to approve the permit on condition that Mulliner adheres to the noise ordinance, Dagesse seconded. Schwartz commented that she hopes he will be sensitive to his abutters and work with them to mitigate the noise issue. Crandall said that he feels that Mulliner heard what they had to say and will be a good neighbor. All voted in favor, Schwartz will issue the permit and send to Mulliner with CrandallÕs signature.

2.3       Master Plan Update – Kluk said the final public hearing on the Master Plan chapters is scheduled for next Tuesday, September 8th, at 6:30PM in the Town Hall. It includes the chapters on Services and Facilities, Housing, Hazards and Emergency Planning, Utilities and Energy. She asked everyone to attend. After the hearing and consideration of the public comments we will vote to certify the document at our next board meeting.

2.2       Event Sign - Kluk reported that the sign is in production at MaineLine Graphics and should be completed by September 15th. She said the changeable letters are in hand in the SelectmenÕs office and a sign up form is drafted, awaiting the SelectmenÕs consideration. The DPW will be installing the sign as soon as it is delivered. Marshall added that on a side note the other sign that was installed after 9/11 (the ŌThese Colors DonÕt RunĶ sign) has deteriorated and the person that made the sign has offered to fix it. The Selectmen will be making a decision about whether the sign should be fixed or removed. If it is removed the focus will be on the Smokey the Bear sign and the new event sign.

2.3       Lionel Chute – Schwartz said she spoke to Chute and found the plot plan for the subdivision on his property on the Registry of Deeds website proving that the 5 acre subdivision on his property is properly registered and does exist. Schwartz shared a print out of the plan. Kluk asked about driveway standards and whether they would be in force for the right-of-way shown on the plan. We all agreed that the standards would be in force for the driveway. Schwartz said she doesnÕt believe this is a Planning Board issue at this point, Chute should take the plan to the Assessors to be included on the tax map and they will assign a tax lot number to it. Dagesse said he will be taxed for 2 lots and that if he doesnÕt want 2 lots he could merge them in the future. Kluk asked about current use and Schwartz said that it will stay in current use until it is sold, then the buyer has to pay a land use change tax.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       CIP – Schwartz reported that the Capital Improvement Program forms for 2015 went out to all committees, boards and department heads and are due back on September 30th. When they come back she will put everything into the CIP document and bring it to the meeting next month.

3.2       Non-permitted business in operation – Crandall brought up an issue that was brought to his attention recently, Debra Walsh is running a Bed and Breakfast at 139 Jackson Drive. Dagesse commented that it is her neighbor and she heard she is moving out of the country, she also hadnÕt noticed anything going on there. Kluk asked if there was a complaint and Crandall said yes. He looked at the LUO and he determined that it is a business use as stated in section 200.4 because she is providing lodging. Crandall brought up the fact that it is a violation of LAEÕs association regulations. Kluk said that WLAÕs regulations allow you to rent your house and she thinks LAEÕs are the same. Crandall said we have a requirement to get a business permit and the application asks the question of whether your deed will allow a non-residential use. Schwartz said in the past we have written a letter and requested they fill out an application for a business permit. Marshall stated that it is LAEÕs problem, we put the question on the business application. Kluk suggested a cover letter requesting she fill out an application because she is running a B&B. Schwartz asked if we should give her a heads up about the LAE rules. Schwartz and Crandall will draft the letter.

3.3       Question on business at 2 Faxon Hill Road – Schwartz had a recent conversation with Scott Depot who just bought LullÕs house. He is a finish carpenter and works mostly in Massachusetts right now. He wanted to know if he needed to register as a DBA business with the town. Schwartz asked him some questions and determined at the time that she didnÕt think it was necessary but she thought she should ask the full board. Crandall asked about vehicles and material storage and Kluk asked if this is his primary residence. Marshall said he spoke with him and he said is a carpenter working in Mass. and semi-retired. Dagesse suggested we just send him a letter and get him to fill out an application and then we can determine whether he is exempt, all agreed. Schwartz will draft a letter.


4.0       Driveway permits: None


5.0       Mergers:

5.1       Shane Mulliner, 479 South Main Street, TM 16-76, deed provided, no fee, merging tracts 1 and 2. The merger application was found to be complete because it was now notarized. Dagesse made a motion to approve the merger, Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Crandall signed the paperwork and Schwartz will send to the Registry of Deeds.


6.0       Communications:

6.1       Intent-to-cut, TM17-41, Ross, 361 Smith Pond Road

6.2       Intent-to-cut, TM 23-35, Costello, 43 Bear Hill Road

6.3       Copy of DES Supply Lines With the Source

6.4       Copy of DES acceptance of Shoreland permit application, Panarello, TM 12-31, 855 Halfmoon Pond Road, septic

6.5       Copy DES, request for more information on septic plan, 371 Martin Rd.

6.6       Copy of Wetlands PBN application, Shannon, 818 Millen Pond Road

6.7       DES notice of acceptance of application for septic, 371 Martin Rd.

6.8       Copy of approval for operation of septic system at 217 Halfmoon Pond Road

6.9       Copy of approval for construction of septic system at 20 Snow Road


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, October 6, 2015, at 6:30PM.


8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 7:35 PM

            Motioned by Kluk, seconded by Crandall, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Nan Schwartz