Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - Draft

July 3, 2018

0.0       Assembly:  6:00PM, Town Hall


0.1       Members present: Crandall, Krygeris, and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk and Terani

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Dulac, Hatch and Russell

0.4       Visitors: Sarah Vanderwende


Crandall asked Kluk to sit in for Dulac and Terani to sit in for Hatch.

He called the Public Hearing to order at 6:00 PM.


1.0       Public Hearing for Anna AnnelliÕs business permit for ÒAnnieÕs Tea TimeÓ, a Tea and Tea party business. We went over the applications for site plan review and business permit. Crandall hadnÕt heard back from Annelli as to whether she had a letter from the state on meeting the food regulations. He gave her a call to see if she had contacted the state Public Health department about permitting. She stated she is still working with them to get the proper permits. Kluk moved to table the application until it is complete, Krygeris seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Sarah Vanderwende asked about the nature of the tea business and whether it was open to the public at the stated times or just party groups. Crandall stated that the brochure said it was reserved parties. He will ask Annelli to clarify this for us. Vanderwende also asked about parking and we explained that she had adequate parking along her driveway and in front of the garage, with room for overflow in the yard. Schwartz made copies of the applications for Vanderwende. Schwartz will re-notice the public hearing because of a mistake she made in the location of the hearing stated in the newspaper, the abutter notices were correct. We will wait for the completed application before setting the date for the next public hearing.

Crandall closed the public hearing at 6:20pm.


Crandall opened the regular meeting at 6:30pm.

2.0       Minutes:

June 5th meeting – Crandall asked if there were any comments on the minutes. Terani commented on the wording concerning town–owned properties, and the need for them to be subject to the nuisance regulations, Schwartz will clarify and repost. Crandall made a motion to approve as corrected, Krygeris seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       Business Permits and term limits – Crandall said that he thinks the business permits that we approve should have a shelf life with maybe a short questionnaire to re-permit at the end of a period of time. He suggested 3 to 5 years. Kluk agreed as now they are permitted for life and the permitting process is the only oversight the town has. Schwartz said that if a business changes hands or is enlarged or changed we are supposed to hear about it and it triggers a site visit. Kluk asked Vanderwende what Antrim does and she stated that mainly complaints about a business will bring an issue to the board. Kluk said that a term would give us an opening to do a site walk and if the nature of the business has changed they would need to reapply. Vanderwende said that excavation permits also have a term limit and are similar. We decided to take a look at the list of business permits and see how many are currently active businesses. Schwartz will send everyone the list she has.


4.0       Old Business:

4.1       Business permit application, application for site plan review, Anna Annelli, 181 Smith Pond Road, Tea and tea party business – (see public hearing, above)

4.2       Public Health Regulations – Krygeris said that Matt Serge reviewed the regulation, a few changes were made during a conference call and a public hearing was scheduled for July 24th. Krygeris said that he was concerned with the section on compost piles but Schwartz said it supports composting done properly. Krygeris said we need to teach people how to do it properly, so you donÕt cause problems. Terani said that a few years ago the DPW was selling compost bins, he bought one and it works great. Kluk said she composts with worms, she rigged he compost bin to house the worms and they do an amazing job. Krygeris and Terani compost with worms, also. Krygeris would like to do a program for people about composting and encourage people to do it. Schwartz said we could also do a brochure and ask Ed if he would consider selling the composting bins again.

            Terani said he has a problem with open wells and the associated dangers. Schwartz said this is covered in the attractive nuisance section.

4.3       Town Center Vision Subcommittee – Kluk said that we held another meeting and everyone present was assigned something to look into for the next meeting, related to the list we drew up for funding and informational sources. We are meeting again on July 11th.

4.4       Municipal Buildings project update:

            Krygeris said that when the Town Hall open house is on Saturday and the building will be open for tours that day and on July 6th during the flea market. He said the Safety building is moving along and the Schoolhouse will be next on the agenda for planning. Krygeris said they BoS would ask the Health Officer to get the insulation sample and take it to the state lab for testing. Schwartz reiterated the boardÕs offer to Krygeris to help with the planning for the Schoolhouse building.

4.5       Master Plan – this is a placeholder.

4.6       ZBA report – Hatch was not in attendance to report this month.


5.0      Driveway Permits:

5.1       John Boucher, Valley Road, TM 24-26, for a permanent driveway, Ed checked and advised the size culvert and its placement near an existing town culvert, Jim checked and concurred. Kluk made a motion to approve the driveway permit, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


5.2       Brian Aldrich, Dole Schoolhouse Road, TM 20-47, Ed checked and advised on the size of the culvert and its placement, Jim checked and agreed. Kluk made a motion to approve the driveway permit, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


6.0       Mergers: None


7.0       Communications:

            Intent-to-cut, Barker, Symonds Lane, TM 11-74


8.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, August 7, 2018, at 6:30 PM, at the Town Hall


9.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 7:12PM

            Motioned by Crandall, seconded by Kluk, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz