Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

June 7, 2022


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, on 2nd floor of Town Hall

0.1       Members present: Hatch, Kluk, Crandall, Revane and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kapteyn

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Terani and Chidester

0.4       Visitors: Dan Higginson, Steve and Kathryn Becker


Hatch opened the Public Hearing on Georgann CaseyÕs minor subdivision at 6:30PM.


1.0           Public Hearing Ð Dan Higginson stated he is attending representing Geogrann Casey for her minor subdivision of lot TM 7-25 (10.69 acres) into 2 lots of 5.51 acres and5.18 acres. Kluk asked about the perc test for the new lot. Revane said that he had witnessed the pit being dug and there was also a perc test done in the 1970Õs. He said the perc test location will show up on the building permit application map. The Board had no questions for him having gone through the application checklist at the May meeting and reviewing the submitted plot plan. Higginson stated that the new deed for the resulting 2nd lot will have the same restrictions that the original lot deed contained. There being no other questions about the application or plan Hatch closed the Public Hearing at 6:35PM


Hatch immediately opened the regular meeting.


2.0           Minutes: April 5th Meeting Ð Hatch asked if any changes were needed and Kapteyn suggested an edit in 2.3, which was agreed to and Crandall pointed out a typo in 3.2. Crandall made a motion to approve with changes, Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


3.0           New Business:

3.1           Kathryn & Steve Becker and Jane Shamaly Ð Schwartz presented the survey and application for the Annexation/ Lot Line Adjustment for lots TM 7-29, 7-30 and 7-31 to the board. The Board reviewed the documents and found them to be complete. We found two issues with the survey plan, one was the numbering of the lots after he annexation/lot line adjustment, we asked them to keep TM 7-29 as the new lot number. The second was the need for a blank area on the top right hand corner of the survey map for the Registry of Deeds information. The BeckerÕs will inform the surveyor of the changes needed. Hatch made a motion to accept the application with the noted changes needing to be made, Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor. We scheduled a Public Hearing for July 5th at 6:30PM, Schwartz will notice for the hearing.

3.2           Food Trucks Ð Revane said that the BoS had a question about Food Trucks and whether they need a business permit. During our discussion it was brought up that Food Trucks are licensed through the state with a food service license. Kluk said that business permits are an ad hoc zoning tool that the town employs to protect residential areas. Revane said that the state counts small business permits in the funding formulas. We discussed events and Food Truck attendance on an occasional basis. Kluk commented that people cooking at home and serving food from their truck have to be licensed by the state health department. We decided that no permit from the Town is necessary unless the Food Truck siting becomes more than an occasional thing. If complaints are made because a Food Truck parking site becomes a nuisance or siting is in an inappropriate area, we will reconsider the issue. A permit would be needed if the Food Truck is parked in a regular spot becoming more permanent than occasional.

3.3           Revising instructions on Building Permit Application Ð Hatch reported that the ZBA had visited the BoS to discuss revising the Building Permit to let applicants go before the ZBA for a variance before applying for Shoreland and Wetland Permits and septic plans. Revane said that these DES permits are expensive and time consuming to get and if people need a variance from the ZBA it may be denied after the applicant has gone through the trouble and expense to get all these other permits. They would like to streamline the permitting to allow a ZBA hearing of the permit first. The other permits would still be required but would happen afterward. Schwartz suggested a coversheet for the Building Permit that would explain the new process. Hatch suggested putting a check box indicating that items (such as DES permits) were pending. Kluk suggested putting something on the permit application that says if you think you need a variance you should meet first with the BoS. Schwartz suggested that this could be on a coversheet with other instructions and we agreed to have Revane discuss this with the BoS and let us know what they want included on the permit/coversheet.


4.0           Old Business:

4.1           Georgann Casey, minor subdivision Ð There was no further need for discussion or comments on the application or plan, Kluk made a motion to approve the application, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Higginson said he will get the two mylars printed and leave them for us at the Town Hall. Hatch will sign them when they are received and they will be taken to the Registry of Deeds.

4.2           Bruce Putnam, Business Permit Ð Schwartz reported that we havenÕt yet received a business application from Putnam. Revane will speak with him.

4.3       Borey property Ð Schwartz shared a letter that the Fire Chief had written to the BoS regarding the need for a cistern for the Borey subdivision. He checked distances and found that the lots (6-10) were within the 2000Õ requirement to the cistern across from Island Pond Road. Kluk said that the Subdivision Regulations state that 10K gallons are required. Schwartz thinks the cistern is only 5K gallons so she will check with the Fire Chief that the size of the existing cistern is adequate. Revane said that the BoreyÕs have had multiple dumpsters full of items taken out and the trailers are being emptied and will be moved out. He said that it is the BoSÕs intent to let them sell one lot (only) and they have a letter from the Town Attorney saying that it is legal to do so. He didnÕt have the letter with him. Kluk asked if they were considering putting a lien on the property to make sure the work gets done. Revane said no lien was considered. Schwartz said it is important to do this legally and have something registered at the Registry of Deeds. We are pleased that the property is being cleaned up.

4.4       Racquel Nembhard Ð Schwartz said that Nembhard hasnÕt returned the application for an exemption to a site plan review yet. She sent her an email reminder but didnÕt hear back from her. We will move this to Unresolved Business.

4.5       Class VI Road Waiver Document Ð Revane said there is no new news on this.

4.6       Merger Application form Ð Revane said they ran it by the Town Attorney and he said it is not legal to deny a merger because taxes are owed on the properties. We decided to consider adding a line or check box on the coversheet that makes it clear that any taxes or liens owed on one or more of the properties being merged are still owed after merging. The merging party would be attesting to that fact.

4.7       Town Center Vision project Ð Crandall said that the digital movie projector is installed. Parks & Rec will be showing a movie soon.

4.8       Old School House project Ð Revane said the painting was being done today and the vinyl flooring, doors and electrical are installed next. He said that Granite State is running the phone lines next week in the underground conduits.

4.9       Master Plan Ð This is a placeholder.

4.10     ZBA Report Ð Hatch said that the ZBA met on 2 cases recently and denied both. He thinks they will both come back for a rehearing. We discussed the issue of permitting and variances in 3.3.

4.11     UVLSRPC Ð Hatch said that they have their annual meeting tomorrow night and he will be attending.


5.0       Unresolved Business - None


6.0       Driveway Permits:

6.1       Nowell and Schwartz, Bear Hill Road, TM 23-41, driveway for land improvement access and future residence, Ed checked looked at it and signed off on it with no recommendation for a culvert, Andrew checked it and signed the permit. Schwartz will send them a copy of the signed permit.


7.0       Mergers: None


Discussion: Kluk asked Schwartz to add the issue with setbacks on the small camp lots and maybe looking at an overlay zone for these lots with lesser setbacks to the agenda for next month. Revane said a discussion of LUO 402 (non-conforming lots and uses) should be a part of this discussion.


8.0       Communications:

            7.1       Intent-to-cut forms for Mata - TM 2-2 and TM 5-1.


9.0       Date for next Planning Board meeting Ð July 5, 2022 at 6:30pm on 2nd floor at Town Hall - Public Hearing will be held first, then the meeting will follow.


10.0    Adjournment:            Time: 8:22 PM

            Motioned by Crandall, seconded by Hatch, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz