Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - Draft

June 2, 2020


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, Zoom Meeting

0.1       Members present: Hatch, Revane, Kluk, Crandall and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present:

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Chidester and Terani

0.4       Visitors: None


Hatch called the meeting to order at 6:32 PM.


1.0       Minutes: May 5th meeting – There were no changes requested, Crandall made a motion to approve as written, Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


2.0       New Business:

2.1       Letter from Health Officer: Hatch said that Carpenter has resigned as Health Officer and wouldnÕt be joining us tonight. Hatch asked Revane for an update on the BoS meeting with Ryan Curran. The Store was found COVID-19 safe by the State Health Department when they visited. BoS discussed with Ryan what he is doing at the store, as things open up a bit. He has tables outside in front of the parking area. He said he can only ask his employees to wear masks and is doing what he thinks is legal. Kluk asked if the Fire Chief has followed up on items on the list. Schwartz said she would talk with the Chief and get his take on fire/life safety issues. Kluk asked if the Chief does periodic checks on businesses. Schwartz said he does an annual check of the Elementary School.


3.0       Old Business:

3.1       LUO review – Hatch spoke about the research done into Driveway Permitting, Steep Slopes and Business Permitting in nearby towns. Schwartz and Kluk spoke about the different approaches taken in different towns. We discussed each subject and decided to reach out to DPW to talk about possible changes to the driveway permit/LUO. We will continue to look at Business Permits and the need for follow up. Crandall suggested only following up on Ōbusiness useĶ level of permits. Schwartz said that right now follow up is based on complaints and we are not the enforcers. We will continue to discuss these three areas.

3.2       Town Center Vision project – Schwartz said the TCV subcommittee has not met recently and Lolly Gilbert has resigned from the committee, as she is moving. Schwartz said that the grant they were seeking for the General Store didnÕt happen because there were a lot of things that needed to fall into place on a very short deadline and it didnÕt happen. She said there might be other grants to look at. Hatch said we should continue to work with Jared. Revane said we should let Ryan know and invite him in to see what he wants to do. Hatch will invite Ryan to our next meeting. Crandall is concerned that the subcommittee is falling apart. Schwartz disagreed and said that we have no safe way to meet right now. Hatch said there are opportunities and we should see how things play out. Crandall is willing to keep working on the parking down back but asked how we can engage the public and keep moving forward. Hatch said we will just keep at it and it may take time before we can do that. Schwartz said the work on Rte. 31 is happening in late June/July. We decided to talk to Ed Thayer about what he has planned for this project. Schwartz will contact Thayer.

3.3       Old Schoolhouse project update – Revane said he met recently with the engineer to discuss plans for the floor supports. He said that the contractor is all set to start. They will do the underpinnings first, then the annex and roof. Hatch asked if he reviewed the audit report, which gave 3 scenarios to choose from. Revane said they are a step back from where he wanted to be and they need to watch the tax revenue coming in, this will tell them if they have to put some items on hold.

3.4       Master Plan – this is a placeholder.

3.5       ZBA Report – Hatch said the ZBA met on May 27th and decided 4 cases. They met at Camp Morgan with social distancing and masks and he would recommend the space for public meetings. Crandall asked if they are just approving everything. Hatch said that all cases are looked at on their merits. He feels that the change in processes are working well and the applicants are bringing more sound and complete applications for consideration.

3.6       UVLSRPC – Hatch said they havenÕt met but it is on his radar.


Kluk asked if, on 3.1, we should focus on any one area to work on. Hatch thinks we should read through the research, engage Thayer on the driveway question, and when we can meet in person we can decide what to do.


4.0       Driveway Permits:

4.1       Ouelette, Valley Road, TM 24-141, driveway for barn, Ed checked, Hatch checked and signed, fee paid.


5.0       Mergers: None


6.0      Communications:

6.1       Intent-to-cut, Rubega, Smith Pond Road, TM 17-8

6.2       Intent-to-cut, Mata, Halfmoon Pond Rd., TM5-1


7.0      Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting – July 7, 2020, at 6:30 PM, meeting location TBD.


8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:13PM

            Motioned by Crandall, seconded by Revane, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,  

Nan Schwartz