Washington Planning Board


May 7, 2013


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM

            0.1       Members present:

                        Cook, Crandall, Dagesse, Marshall, Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present:

                        Kluk, Terani

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: None

0.4           Visitors: Christine Walker, Carolyn and Chris Bullock

0.5           Cook called the meeting to order at 6:30PM


1.0           Minutes: April 2, 2013 meeting and hearing. Crandall motioned to approve the minutes of the public hearing as written, Dagesse seconded, all voted in favor. Crandall asked for a correction on 3.2 of the meeting minutes, Marshall had seconded the motion. Crandall motioned to approve the minutes with the correction to 3.2, Marshall seconded the motion, all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       Master Plan – Christine Walker, director of UVLSRPC joined us to discuss what the regional planning commission could help us with our update to the Master Plan. She asked where we are in our process and Schwartz said we are just beginning but could use help with statistics and a process for community input. Walker spoke about Unity where they are doing their community survey and getting it done before Old Home Day so the can display the results to the town. She felt that the community survey is the place to start because you can get a feeling of what the townÕs important assets are to the town and then you can then build off that for the Master Plan. You can decide what level you would like the RPC to work with you. Schwartz said that the last time a survey was done was 2003 and in 2006 the Natural Resource Inventory and Conservation Plan was added as an appendix. Walker said that you are required to have a Vision section and a Land Use section and you may also add other chapters as wanted. She feels that towns should try to do something that they can really use and keep it concise, so people will actually read it. She said public conversations can be helpful for coming up with things for the Vision Statement. You can hold meetings or go to public events to speak with people. The aim is to do an update every 10 years and look it over every 5 years. Kluk asked about a step-by-step guide. Walker said they have one and they are tweaking it right now and they will share it with us. Kluk asked about a Master Plan Committee, Walker said many towns put together a sub committee with PB members and townÕs people, so people are more invested in it. Cook said we need to review our document and discuss how we want to change it. Kluk asked about the costs involved with using their help. Walker said that the Dorchester survey cost the town $800, for Unity they did more including maps, survey and a report and that cost $2700, they will bill by the task and she could provide a menu of services with costs. She said they have many resources and will answer questions for free. Walker mentioned that as you go you can adopt a section as you finish it and do it over a few years. She mentioned that on their website the Regional Plan page has all the counties townÕs Master Plans available to look at. Cook said we will be in touch again, once we figure out what we are doing and thanked Walker for coming.


2.2       Town Hall project update - Marshall brought us up to date on the Town Hall project, they had a recent Advisory group meeting and decided that they donÕt want to see the project cut and will go to the town again next year. They think they need to get the word out better about the project and the bonding, so they will be doing mailers and a website to get information out and educate people about the project. They are cooperating with the Safety Complex planning group and will support both projects. The discussion led to Terani asking about town meeting and whether they might change the date to a Saturday or evening when more people could attend. Dagesse said they spoke with LGC about the issue and they felt that we have a better turnout than most towns. Marshall mentioned that some people didnÕt understand that the vote on the bond issue was first on the warrant and came late hoping to vote for it on the election ballot. They need to spend time on good education and giving people the information they need.


3.0       New Business:                       

3.1       Sign Permit – Chris Bullock, Wandering Bull, 312 Martin Road, 9ÓX36Ó free standing directional sign, corner of Martin Road and Halfmoon Pond Rd.,  - The Bullocks explained that they get deliveries and some people picking up their orders at their place and it is hard to find. They want a directional sign at the junction of Martin Rd. and Halfmoon Pond Rd.  We discussed the location for the sign with them. Schwartz made a motion to approve the sign permit, Crandall seconded it, all voted in favor. Cook signed the permit.

There is a second issue with a dead end sign at Halfmoon Pond Rd. and Mill Street that is confusing to people because the road doesnÕt dead end until 3.2 miles later, just after Martin Road. The Selectmen have taken their request to clarify the dead end sign to the Highway Department to see what can be done. Caroline Bullock will drop a check off for the fee.


4.0       Driveway permits: None


5.0       Mergers:         

5.1       Richard Morrill, 1669 Valley Rd., TM25-117, HLS lots # 62, 63, deed provided, fee paid. The members reviewed the application. This application is an effort to clean up a tax assessing issue the property was only being taxed as one parcel and the property owner had the decision to either merge the properties or receive tax bills for each of the tracts on the parcel. Marshall motioned to approve the merger application, Dagesse seconded the motion, all voted in favor.


6.0       Other Business

6.1       Kluk asked if we could discuss the Master Plan update a little more. She wants us to look at what other towns are doing for their master plans, some include education, sustainability, energy chapters, etc. Schwartz mentioned that our Energy Committee would like to help with an energy chapter. Kluk said the organization of ours could be better, we need to update the statistical stuff and the survey needs to be done. She will send everyone copies by email of things she found that other towns have done. We will review them for next month.



7.0       Communications:

7.1       Intent to Cut, Niven, Smith Pond Rd., TM17-15 (note: used old form)

7.2       Intent to Cut, Corneliusen, Kingsbury Hill Road, TM 13-36 and 37

7.3       Intent to Cut, Mata, Halfmoon Pond Rd., TM 2-2

7.4       Intent to Cut, Mata, Smith Pond Rd., TM 17-42, 3, 7

7.5       Intent to Cut, Paludi, E. Washington Rd, TM 13-18

7.6       Intent to Cut, Paludi, E. Washington Rd, TM 16-65

            7.7       Intent to Cut, Paludi, E. Washington Rd, TM 17-01

            7.8       NH DES, notice of acceptance of application for Septic System, TM 7-22


Terani asked if there was an intent to cut form for a parcel up behind the farm. Cook checked and couldnÕt find one. We will have to check to see if the intent to cut was filed.


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, June 4, 2013, at 6:30PM.

8.0       Adjournment:              Time 7:40PM

            By Marshall Seconded by Crandall



Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz