Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes - DRAFT

April 7, 2015

0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM

            0.1       Members present: Dagesse, Crandall, Schwartz and Marshall

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk, Dulac

            0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Cook, Terani,

0.4           Visitors: Greg Garvin, Jim Garvin, Ed Thayer, Jim Russell, Jim and Jen Dana


Schwartz motioned Kluk to sit in for Cook, Crandall seconded, all voted in favor.

Crandall stated that Russell is attending our meeting as a potential alternate member.


1.0       Minutes: Minutes from March 3, 2015, No changes were requested, Marshall motioned to approve, Dagesse seconded and all voted in favor.


We took up Driveway Permits at this point because there were members of the public in attendance.

4.0       Driveway permits:

4.2       Greg Garvin, Ayers Pond Road, TM 9-58, for a permanent driveway checked by Ed Thayer and Schwartz and the application fee was paid. Thayer recommended a 15Ó culvert pipe. Marshall recused himself as an abutter to the property. Thayer brought up the fact that the driveway is accessed from a Class 5, summer maintenance only road and as such is subject to summer maintenance rules with no plowing from December 10th to April 10th of each year, per RSA 231:79. Garvin was aware of this condition of approval. Dagesse made a motion to approve, Kluk seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

4.1       Van Hertel, 613 King Street, TM19-24, for a permanent driveway. checked by Thayer and Schwartz, the fee was paid previously. Crandall said that this was a permit application from several years ago that was not voted on at the time. The board had an issue with the applicant because the driveway was completed prior to approval. The Planning Board requested that the Selectmen fine Mr. Hertel $250 for this infraction as per the Land Use Ordinance. The Selectmen declined to take action and the application was not returned to the board for approval. We are taking it up for approval now. Marshall commented that there is another access to the property and this would be a second one. Schwartz said there is enough road frontage (1500Õ) to allow a second driveway. Marshall said the driveway is accessed from a Class 5, summer maintenance only section of King Street. As such it is subject to summer maintenance rules with no plowing from December 10th to April 10th of each year, per RSA 231:79. The potential buyers are aware of the condition of approval. Marshall said that the town attorney has all the information about the driveway and a request by the potential buyers of the property to plow the road themselves out to the property in winter. Marshall motioned to approve the permit, Kluk seconded and all voted in favor.


2.0       Old Business:

2.1       Master Plan Update Committee Kluk reported that the committee hasnÕt met since the January meeting but since then members have been working hard on drafting chapters. They are meeting again next week. The committee has the Introduction and Vision Statement drafted, along with the Land Use and Zoning, Natural Resources, Economic Development, Cultural & Historic Resources and Recreation chapters. The big target date at this point is a Public Hearing on June 2nd for any of the chapters that are done. She said we will have drafts for PB members by April 17th, so they can review them and give input prior to the hearing. We will need copies for the public prior to the hearing, we will make these after the PB reviews and gives their input. Crandall asked about the start time for the hearing on June 2nd. Dagesse suggested that we start our regular meeting at 6PM and schedule the hearing for 6:30PM. Everyone agreed and if there is more business to be done we will finish up after the hearing. Schwartz asked how we were going to structure the hearing, after discussion we decided that we would assume the public has read the documents so we wonÕt go over them line by line but we would go over the goals and recommendations.

            Schwartz asked if the Selectmen had a copy of the Hazard Mitigation Plan and Marshall said no. Kluk suggested she go to the UVLSRPC site to get a copy.

2.2       NHOEP Spring Planning and Zoning Conference, Schwartz reminded everyone that the conference takes place this year on May 2, 2015, in Concord and you can sign up online here: http://www.nh.gov/oep/planning/resources/conferences/spring-2015/index.htm
It would be beneficial to everyone to attend, Schwartz and Kluk are signed up.

2.3       Events Sign – Kluk reported that the sign was approved at Town Meeting. Schwartz asked Marshall if the Selectmen would like Kluk to continue to work on getting it made. Marshall said yes. She has estimates from several companies but wants to have face-to-face meetings with them. The companies are specing for different materials. She would also like to meet with Thayer to discuss the placement of the sign. Schwartz suggested she meet with them at the town garage so Thayer can be in on the meetings.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       Election of Officers – Kluk motioned Crandall as Chair, Schwartz seconded, all voted in favor. Crandall motioned Dagesse as Vice Chair, Marshall seconded and all voted in favor, Kluk motioned Schwartz as Secretary, Dagesse seconded and all voted in favor.

3.2       Alternate Member - Crandall stated that Jim Russell was here tonight to consider joining the PB as an alternate member. Marshall motioned to have Russell join the board as an alternate, Dagesse seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Crandall will contact Sandy Poole for the paperwork. Russell will visit the website for all the documents he needs.


4.0       See above.


5.0       Mergers:

5.1       Levesque Trust - 2014, 129 Bailey Road, TM 20-1, tracts 1 & 2, we received paperwork for a merger of two tracts but the paperwork was not complete so we tabled the merger until this month. The paperwork is now completed as requested. Schwartz had a copy of the deeds and all was in order. Dagesse made a motion to approve, Kluk seconded and all voted in favor. Crandall signed the paperwork and Schwartz will send it to the Registry.


6.0       Communications:

6.1       UVLSRPC – Copy of draft Regional Master Plan, for comment, memory stick available for borrowing on PB file cabinet

            6.2       Intent-to-Cut – Niven, TM17-15, Smith Pond Road

             6.3      Intent-to-Cuts – Eccard, TM 13-27, TM 13-29, TM 13-25, TM13-39, East Washington Road         


8.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting, May 5, 2015, at 6:30PM.


9.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 7:06 PM

            Motioned by Dagesse, seconded by Marshall, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted, 

Nan Schwartz