Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

April 5, 2022


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, on 2nd floor of Town Hall and by Zoom

0.1       Members present: Hatch, Revane and Schwartz at Town Hall, Crandall and Kluk on Zoom

            0.2       Alternates present: Kapteyn

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Terani and Chidester

0.4       Visitors: Racquel Nembhard and Mark Florence


Hatch opened the meeting at 6:30PM. There was discussion and review of the Rules of Procedure to ascertain whether those attending on zoom could vote. Hatch commented that the hybrid meetings are more difficult and we should discuss at a future date. We couldnÕt find the section that refers to members attending by phone so Hatch decided to put Kapteyn in for Kluk and proceed with the meeting. We will look at our Rules at a later date and update them if we decide to.


1.0           Minutes: March 1st Meeting Š Hatch asked if any changes were needed,

Kapteyn had a question on 2.1 concerning the 250Õ setback. Schwartz said it is a DES shoreland setback and will correct the minutes to reflect that. Hatch motioned to approve as written, Revane seconded the motion and all voted if favor.

            Revane commented that according to the Right to Know law the minutes need to be printed out and put in a binder or posted at Town Hall every month so they are available to those that donÕt have access to a computer. Schwartz said she was unaware but will begin doing this.

2.0           New Business:

2.1           Election of Officers Š Hatch made a motion for Schwartz to continue as secretary, Kapteyn seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Crandall made a motion for Kluk to remain as Vice Chair, Hatch seconded the motion and all voted in favor. Schwartz made a motion to keep Hatch as Chair, Kapteyn seconded the motion and all voted in favor.

2.2           Merger Application form Š Schwartz said that the BoS have asked us to add a sign off by the Tax Collector for mergers to make sure the taxes are paid on all parcels before they are merged. Schwartz had examples of 3 towns who handled it in different ways on the application. We decided that we would go with a separate affidavit that the Tax Collector will sign off on certifying that the taxes are paid up-to-date. Schwartz will put something together for next meeting.

2.3           Aaron Zipper issues Š Schwartz had previously shared the email exchange between Zipper and the BoS and PB. She broke out the issues that pertain to the Planning Board concerning business permits. It was reported that Bruce Putnam has a lumber and cordwood business that doesnÕt have a business permit. We have no permit on file so we will send him a letter and application to bring him into compliance. The further report of a junky yard situation is the BoSÕs responsibility to look into.

Bob Bachand is keeping his excavation business equipment on the Sargent property, which they do not own. We know Bob has moved from town and no longer owns the property where his business was permitted. Revane thinks this is a parking concern more than a business concern. The question is whether he is running his business from the property or just storing equipment there. Schwartz asked if the equipment is parked too near the town right of way. Revane said that the road crew didnÕt have a problem plowing or upkeep of the road. We will do more research and try to contact Bachand.

Ed Thayer is reported to be tapping maple trees on town owned property. Schwartz said that Thayer has a business permit for his agricultural farm and sugaring businesses. The question is about his agreement with the town to tap the trees. Agreements of this sort are usually made for multiple years to make it worth the work involved. We will do further research on this.

Shawn Atkins was reported to be tapping trees on JagerÕs property and has a sap tank near the road. Schwartz said that Atkins has a business permit for his contracting, landscaping, agricultural sugaring business. We discussed the setbacks and whether a sap tank would be subject to a setback. We decided that it is agricultural equipment and as such is exempt from the LUO setback requirement.

Schwartz will update Zipper on our discussion and decisions after our meeting.

2.4       Class VI Road Waiver Document Š Revane wanted to discuss some changes they want made to the document. Schwartz said she couldnÕt find the document on the website. Revane had a copy of the document to share. He said they are discussing the need for bonding with the Town Attorney. Kluk questioned the allowing of building on a Class VI road, the state says no but leaves it up to the town on a case by case basis. Hatch mentioned a case before the Housing Appeals Board concerning Pembroke and someone who wants to develop on a Class VI road. Revane said they are looking at the issues in letting someone build on a Class V summer maintenance road. Schwartz said these are two different issues, should the waiver include both? Schwartz will take a look at the existing waiver and consider changes to it. We will continue looking at this issue.


3.0       Old Business:

3.1       Joe Batcha Š Batcha met with us last month concerning several properties he was considering buying and what land use issues there might be with it. He was questioning the FEMA flood maps and getting them changed. Schwartz said she had an email from his realtor and there are further issues with the LAE board not allowing what he was looking to do. Hatch contacted the UVLSRPC about the FEMA issue and Schwartz sent Batcha information about correcting information for an individual lot on the FEMA flood maps. The town periodically works with FEMA on the maps.

3.2       Racquel Nembhard Š Nembhard attended the meeting tonight to discuss obtaining a business permit for her business. She recently moved here and she does consulting for the biotech industry and pharmaceutical companies. She also does some land investments. She works from home and works with clients remotely. She filled out the application and gave it to Schwartz. Schwartz gave her an application for an exemption to a site plan review after we reviewed her business application. Nembhard will fill it out and return it to Deb for us. We will review it at next monthÕs meeting.

3.3       Town Meeting, Proposed LUO changes Ballot Š The ballot items all passed at Town Meeting and Schwartz has incorporated them into the LUO and posted it online. Those members in attendance signed the certification page and the others will sign when they get back to town.

3.4       Town Center Vision project Š Crandall said the article on the warrant for the access and parking plan did not pass, he thought there was a lot of misinformation out there that caused it to sink. He thinks we can look at it and consider any changes we can make to the plan. HatchÕs opinion was that this article was the Ņsacrificial lambÓ on the warrant and we should keep working on it., we have achieved a lot. Hatch said that Arin Mills commented that moving the Community Garden to the Library site would be totally appropriate but she thinks the play ground equipment should stay behind the Town buildings where it will be used. Mark Florence commented that he spoke in favor of the article but he thought what killed it was that there was no additional egress. Schwartz asked him if he would consider joining the TVC committee. Crandall commented that the digital movie projector has been purchased and will be installed soon, bringing the renovation of the upper hall to completion. The P&R Committee has purchased a license to show movies.

3.3       Old School House project - Revane said the insulation is done and the the interior framing is done. The plumber is coming and a proposal for drywall is in hand. Crandall asked about the utility pole removal and Revane said there is a junction box on the pole and needs to be moved first, there is an open ticket with Eversource to get this done. Hatch mentioned the audit on CML is done and a report will be issued before the end of April. He is working to get the school to get their previously suggested audit work done. He is having Shakes to Shingles look at their previous quote and update it for the school. He said that the NH Saves program is back in place.

3.4       Master Plan Š This is a placeholder.

3.5       ZBA Report Š Hatch said ZBA will be meeting at the end of this month.

3.7       UVLSRPC Š Hatch said that they havenÕt had a meeting.


4.0       Unresolved Business

4.1       Georgann Casey Š Schwartz said she spoke to Casey before the meeting tonight and she will have her plot plan and application ready in a few weeks and will provide them to us.

4.2       Kathryn & Steve Becker and Jane Shamaly Š We are waiting on the survey and application for their Annexation/ Lot Line Adjustment.


5.0       Driveway Permits: None


6.0       Mergers: None


Discussion: Revane said he wants the board to look at a few issues in the next few months. He mentioned creating a Demolition Permit, which would begin a timeline for cleanup and/or rebuilding, establish the previous building footprint and alert the Assessors of a change to the property assessment. The BoS also wants a Safety Issues signoff added to the building permit or the Certificate of Occupancy, which would cover smaller building projects (such as decks) and signal the completion of the work permitted.


7.0       Communications:

            7.1       Copy of Peter MellenÕs survey for TM 25-63, 105 Valley Road.


8.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting Š May 3, 2022 - at 6:30PM, at 2nd floor at Town Hall.


9.0      Adjournment:            Time: 8:16 PM

            Motioned by Kapteyn, seconded by Crandall, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,    Nan Schwartz