Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

March 1, 2022


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, on 2nd floor of Town Hall and by Zoom

0.1       Members present: Hatch, Revane and Schwartz at Town Hall, Crandall and Kluk on Zoom

            0.2       Alternates present: None

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Kapteyn, Terani and Chidester

0.4       Visitors: Joe Batcha, Georgann Casey


Hatch opened the meeting at 6:30PM.


1.0           Minutes: January 31st Meeting Ð Hatch asked if any changes were needed,

Kluk motioned to approve as written, Crandall seconded the motion and all voted if favor.


2.0           New Business:

2.1           Joe Batcha Ð Batcha explained that he wanted to ask questions of the board concerning 4 parcels that he is buying. Three lots are in LAE and are non-conforming lots. He asked in general about merging lots and lot line adjustments. We discussed making lots more conforming to todayÕs requirements. He asked about road frontage and access. Schwartz noted that 2 of the lots have a lot of floodplain and possible wetlands. Revane commented that perc tests were done recently on the lots and areas of high ground were identified. Batcha asked about the FEMA floodplain maps and asked about how to get the maps fixed as they are very inaccurate for the lots. Schwartz said she believes it is the responsibility of the land owner to work to have them corrected if they are inaccurate. Batcha feels it should be the townÕs burden. Hatch said we will do some research on this and he will reach out to UVLSRPC. Revane said we will find out the procedure and determine what the burden would be. Batcha asked about driveway permits and underground utilities. Hatch said no driveway permits from the town are required as they are accessing private roads and that he would have to work with the utility company on the utility question. He asked about the 250Õ setback and the need for shoreland permits. Revane explained the need for setbacks, area of disturbance and flagging for building permits. Batcha had a current use question that we suggested he speak with the Assessors about.

2.2           Racquel Nembhard Ð Schwartz said she had called about business permitting for her investment business in which she also does some accounting. She was not able to attend tonight.

2.3           Planning and Zoning Books Ð Schwartz handed out the new books to those in attendance.



3.0       Old Business:

3.1       Town Meeting, Proposed LUO changes Ballot Ð The ballot is all set and Schwartz will make copies of the changes for the voting stations. Hatch will speak at the beginning of the meeting about the ballot.

3.2       Town Center Vision project Ð Crandall said the Article on the warrant for the access and parking plan is Article 31 for $32K. Schwartz has the posters ready to display. Crandall had a question about what is depicted on the poster and what the article amount is covering. Revane said he is getting pushback on the stairway and whether it will be seasonal or cleared for winter use. There are questions about moving the playground now or later. He said that closing off the road in front of TH is a big change and the BoS wants to phase things. Hatch said this was the most discussed article at the budget hearing and it needs an animated discussion. Crandall reminded Revane that they got a price for shoveling the pathway and the FarmerÕs Market people are in favor of having more grass out front. Kluk asked what the $32K is paying for. Revane said the walkway and stairs, re-scaping the hill, work to widen the road by the cistern, loam, grass seed. He said some things on the plan are not included. Revane wants to do the parking in the rear and change the traffic flow and see how it works. He isnÕt sure what will fly without opposition. Hatch said that within the scope of work the grass could still happen later in the fall. Revane said they will go for the whole thing and see what happens. Kluk asked what is the commitment for what is being discussed tonight. Hatch said they should read the room on Tuesday and see what they want to bring up. Crandall wants something rather than nothing.

3.3       Old School House project - Revane said the insulation is done and the contractor is working on the interior framing and doors of the Schoolhouse and it is moving along. Hatch mentioned that Eversource is doing an audit on CML and he wants the school to look at their building too and maybe do a project together. Revane mentioned the ARPA funds and Schwartz asked if they can be used for the school too. Revane didnÕt think so but Hatch said ARPA funds are being used for other things now.

3.4       Master Plan Ð This is a placeholder.

3.5       ZBA Report Ð Hatch said ZBA hasnÕt met because they have no current cases.

3.7       UVLSRPC Ð Hatch said that he sat in on a meeting and he will bring the FEMA issue to them.


4.0       Unresolved Business

4.1       Georgann Casey Ð Casey attended the meeting tonight to let us know she is in the process of having her survey done and wanted to know what forms were needed for her subdivision. Schwartz said she would send her the required forms.

4.2       Kathryn & Steve Becker and Jane Shamaly Ð We are waiting on the survey and application for their Annexation/ Lot Line Adjustment.


5.0       Driveway Permits: None

Discussion: Crandall asked about whether there is a limit on how many houses can share a driveway. We decided some research needed to be done but the general consensus was 2 houses may share one driveway and it needs to be a deeded access.


6.0       Mergers: None


7.0       Communications:

            7.1       Intent-to-cut, Mata, TM5-1, Halfmoon Pond Road


8.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting Ð April 5, 2022 - at 6:30PM, at 2nd floor at Town Hall and Zoom.


9.0      Adjournment:            Time: 7:45PM

            Motioned by Crandall, seconded by Revane, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,    Nan Schwartz