Washington Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

January 2, 2019


0.0       Assembly:  6:30PM, Town Hall

0.1       Members present: Hatch, Dulac, Krygeris and Schwartz

            0.2       Alternates present: Kluk

0.3       Members and Alternates Absent: Crandall and Terani

0.4       Visitors: Ralph Marinaccio, Kevin Lawrence, and Erik Shifflett


Hatch opened the Public Hearing at 6:30 PM and asked Kluk to sit in for Crandall.


1.0       Public Hearing on proposed changes to the Land Use Ordinance (LUO) -

            Hatch opened the Public Hearing and spoke about the three suggested changes. He said the first change is to the size of structures that will require a building permit. He read through the existing and proposed language and asked for comments. Lawrence asked if he wanted to put up a 3X5Õ doghouse, would he need a permit; he said that he heard the size to need a permit was being changed to 100sf. Hatch said no the size was being eliminated and that historically small structures were not assessed but now all structures are assessed. He said we are asking the Selectmen to adopt a simpler application for small structures. Shifflett asked if a 3-sided building such as a run-in shed would require a permit. Schwartz said that depending on the size a permit is required now. He suggested mentioning whether the structure was attached to the ground as a permanent structure. Kluk explained the situation that prompted the change. She mentioned that a structure on wheels and not attached to the ground would not require a permit. Lawrence feels we are overreaching. Krygeris feels that this is a loophole (under 50 sf) that people are taking advantage of. Dulac said that we knew there would be lots of examples of doghouses and small structures. We hope the Selectmen will adopt a low or no-fee for small structures to get the permit and setbacks need to be respected for all structures. Krygeris mentioned that agricultural greenhouses are not taxed but require a building permit before construction. Shifflett asked about the approval process for dwellings and structures. Schwartz said that dwellings also require septic and running water for occupancy. Dulac said that because we require a permit the BoS checks setbacks and other conditions on a lot. Kluk said that the assessors catch small structures when they check a lot and assign a value. Lawrence asked about grandfathered structures. Schwartz said that a change of use is not grandfathered but the existence of a structure is. Hatch said we should speak with the Assessors to understand how they count small structures. Kluk asked what those present thought was the size that would be acceptable to require a permit. Lawrence thought 10ÕX10Õ, but we pointed out that that is larger than what is required now. Marinaccio said a 3-sided woodshed has no value; who sets the fair value on such a structure? Kluk said that we still need to look at setbacks. Shifflett asked about fee scales and Hatch said they are set by the BoS but we are requesting a low or no-fee permit for smaller than 50sf buildings.

            Hatch moved on to the second change to off-street parking and loading, he read through the existing and proposed changes. Shifflett asked if you put up a chicken coop on your land, would you need parking. Schwartz said that if it is land with no other structure or dwelling you would need a parking space and driveway to access the property. Lawrence asked about class VI roads and parking to access the land. Hatch said it will be required, he stated we canÕt think of every scenario that might occur, and the LUO gives us recourse. Shifflett suggested that on a lot with no structures that you are accessing you need a parking space with the first structure. Dulac said that if you read the entire LUO you will see that this is covered. Krygeris said the BoS has the ability to waive a requirement if it is necessary.

            Hatch moved on to the third change on the need for a driveway permit and read the existing and proposed language. Krygeris stated that the state permits the cut on a state road but doesnÕt look beyond that for conditions on the driveway, that is the townÕs job.

            Hatch explained that when we bring these to Town Meeting we will have a chance to explain them and make the case to the townÕs people. Shifflett said he is not against the proposals but he is worried about the twitter sphere and peopleÕs thoughts on what we are doing that arenÕt being addressed. Dulac said messaging is important. Hatch asked for further comments, there being none he closed the hearing at 7:15 PM.


Hatch opened the regular meeting at 7:16 PM.


2.0       Minutes: December 4th meeting – Hatch asked if there were any comments on the minutes. There were a few typos that Schwartz will correct, remove ÒstormÓ from the discussion about TH windows and she needs to add the burial plot site plan that we received to communications. Schwartz will make the requested changes. Kluk made a motion to approve with corrections, Dulac seconded the motion and all voted in favor.


3.0       New Business:

3.1       LUO suggested changes – Hatch said he doesnÕt want to reconsider the under 50 sf or have any minimum for a permit because of setbacks and other site issues and assessments. Kluk suggested adding ÒpermanentÓ to 501.1. Hatch is reluctant and feels that mobile structures are covered in the LUO. Dulac thinks we should clarify on the website. Krygeris said that people can ask for a waiver and the BoS has discretion on whether one is needed or not. Hatch suggested we talk to BoS and the Assessors to get everyone on board with these changes. He feels messaging is very important. Kluk suggested we speak with Marazoff about how and what they assess. Dulac made a motion that the PB send a letter to the BoS requesting that they adopt a no-fee schedule for under 50sf building permits and we will ask for their response prior to Town Meeting. Hatch agreed and seconded his motion, all voted in favor. Kluk said we will need to look at the definition of dwelling in the LUO to consider changes to it next year. Dulac made a motion to keep the language as written on all three proposed LUO changes, Hatch seconded to motion and all voted in favor.


4.0       Old Business:

4.1       Driveway Permit Application – Schwartz said that a question came up last month about the Driveway permit application and whether it had something regarding wetlands on it. She reported that the existing permit application requires a state permit from DES for any wetland crossing prior to our approval.

4.2       Town Center Vision Committee – Hatch reported that the subcommittee is next meeting on January 11th and the suggestion boxes will be decided on at that meeting. Schwartz had a draft for the box that will be presented for the committeeÕs approval at the meeting. It was suggested we have a time limit on how long the boxes will be out.

4.3       Municipal Buildings project update – Krygeris said that the Town Hall is complete and the new work is being done on the upstairs with the lift shaft in place and the annex is having bathrooms installed. Kluk said the windows are still being restored and the LULA will be installed in 2 weeks. Krygeris said the renovation of the existing Fire/EMS building is underway. He said the BoS signed a contract with Mike Petrovich to do the planning and design for the Schoolhouse phasing. Dulac asked about the money request we put into the CIP for the Schoolhouse. Krygeris said they are asking for a little more to complete the first phase. Kluk asked if Petrovich will have dollar amounts for phase 1 in time for warrant setting. Krygeris said that is their expectation. Kluk asked about the exercise equipment that is upstairs in the Schoolhouse. Schwartz said she has asked Chief Atkins if the FD wants the equipment and about possible places to put it.

4.4       Master Plan – Hatch had a copy of the Master Plan to give to Shifflett, who is considering joining the board. Schwartz will find another copy for Chidester.

4.5       ZBA report – Hatch said the ZBA hasnÕt met since our last meeting.

4.6       PB Budget Question – Schwartz said the BoS were being balky about the request for $1K for the TCV committee. Hatch asked if there was any support for the request. Krygeris said there was discussion that there could be grants to cover what is needed. Hatch said the committee has a meeting on the 11th and we will talk about it then before we decide to drop the request. The committee will discuss specific uses for the money and we will come back to the BoS after that meeting.

4.7       Noise Ordinance – Schwartz said she would get to work on this soon. We will review and research what other towns have on the books. Schwartz said Chief Murdough gave us a copy of HennikerÕs ordinance that he had experience with and thought works well. Krygeris thinks the BoS can approve an ordinance without it becoming part of the LUO and requiring Town Meeting approval. We will have to look into this, as we are not sure it is true.

4.8       UVLSRPC – Dulac said he is happy to become the TownÕs representative on the regional planning commission board but he had one condition and that is he is gone a lot during January, February and March. Schwartz said she will contact Chris Courtemanche at UVSLRPC and let her know he is willing to serve and give her his email.


4.0       Driveway Permits:

4.1       Scott Snell, Schwartz heard from Snell who was doing work on his frontage but doesnÕt intend to change his existing driveways.


5.0      Mergers: None


6.0       Communications: None


Hatch said that he spoke with Noah Chidester and he is willing to join the Planning Board as an alternate member. Schwartz will write a letter to the BoS requesting that they approve him as an alternate for 3 years. Schwartz and Hatch will meet at TH on Thursday so he can sign the letters and will deliver them to the BoS.


7.0       Meeting date for next Planning Board meeting - February 5, 2018, at 6:30 PM, at the Town Hall.



8.0       Adjournment:                       Time: 8:10 PM

            Motioned by Dulac, seconded by Kluk, all voted in favor.


Respectfully Submitted,

Nan Schwartz