Master Plan Subcommittee – Working meeting


July 1, 2013


Members present: Nan Schwartz, Jean Kluk, Steve Terani, Jim Crandall


The meeting was called to order by Nan Schwartz at 10AM. We looked over the minutes from the June 17th meeting and all approved. Nan will post them on the PB website.

Jean Kluk asked if we want to have agendas for our meetings and everyone agreed that that is helpful and keeps things on track. We will do a printed agenda for the next meeting.

We went over our recruiting progress. We had mostly noÕs but a couple of yesÕs and a couple of still possibles. We came up with three more names of people to contact. We talked about the ideal size for a committee and decided that 10 people at most (including the 4 of us) would be good.

Terani commented that looking at other Master Plans it is amazing what a variety of things towns include. We will have to figure out how much we want to put in ours. Christine Walker from UVLSRPC said that a she prefers a more concise document that the public would be more likely to read, when she met with us. Crandall agreed but Schwartz commented that the MP will be used mostly by the PB for planning purposes and needs to contain the information we will use, Kluk concurred.

We decided to go ahead with the announcement on the town website and Nixle this week and get it in the SelectmenÕs minutes next week. Because of 4th of July, the Selectmen are not having a meeting this week and wonÕt have minutes. We will go with a blurb and attach the Volunteer document to the minutes, next week. We decided to go with ÒWe need your help to plan WashingtonÕs futureÓ, see attachment below. We will add all four of our names for contacts at the bottom of the announcement document.

We decided our next meeting will be on Monday July 15th at 8:30AM. We will meet that day as our small group and make plans for the first meeting with the entire group.

We then discussed the materials we would need for our volunteers. We decided to make packets with the present Master Plan, the timeline, copies of surveys from Washington, Goshen and Dorchester, and the MP chapter content analysis sheet.

We discussed the community survey. Nan looked at Survey Monkey and said it isnÕt possible to key the surveys so we decided to go with doing our survey by mail only. We want the surveys to be anonymous but we will include a slip they can fill out to be eligible to win the syrup. We discussed getting input for the survey from all town boards, departments and committees. They departments may have ideas about what they would like included for questions. We will do this right away rather than wait. Jean will draft a solicitation letter for the departments and we will attach our 2003 survey so they can see what was asked previously.

We looked at the surveys from Goshen, Dorchester, Washington and Tamworth that we had on hand, and discussed what we like about them. Schwartz commented that services and facilities need to be separated. We could include a question about Town Government, historic preservation, Junk yards/junky yards, and a few others. DorchesterÕs survey had a question that asked which part of town the respondent lives in with a map, maybe we will we include one in our survey. We will each try to come up with categories for survey questions to bring to the next meeting. We will continue to contact possible volunteers.

We will meet again on July 15th at 8:30AM.


Meeting adjourned at 11:07 AM.


Respectfully submitted,

Nan Schwartz

Planning Board Secretary