Master Plan Committee


April 14, 2015


Present:  Jean Kluk, chair; Annie Bissonnette, Carolyn Bullock, Lolly Gilbert, Bob Williams


1.      Jean began the meeting at 2:00 p.m.  She explained that Steve, Nan, and Jim would not be at the meeting, but that Nan and Jim had sent comments. NanÕs comments had been incorporated in the drafts that Jean had sent out.


2.     As follow-up from the January 22nd meeting, the next day Jean had sent out information from other townsÕ reports related to how they had incorporated community input (e.g., Newport).  She had also sent out information from the state RSAs related to Master Plans.


3.     Copies of the draft chapters are due to the Planning Board by April 18. The Planning Board has scheduled a review of these chapters at their May 5 meeting.  Jean believes this will go smoothly since three of the Planning Board members are Master Plan committee members. A public hearing of the chapters that are completed is scheduled for June 2nd at 6:30 p.m. (Chapters will be published on line as they are completed.)  We have already voted on and approved the Vision Statement and the Introduction (although they will require final editing for style and consistency of format).


4.     We worked on final content additions and corrections to those chapters that had been sent out to everyone, with the understanding that Jean and Lolly (and maybe Nan) will do a final copy edit of these chapters (checking punctuation, grammar, style, spelling).


A.     Land Use & Zoning

1). Subdivision Table, p. 3 – Jean went over these figures with Arline France. The Highland Lake Shores subdivision total lots should be 250 and built lots, 170. That changes the totals for these columns to 1,166 and 683, respectively.

2). In the Goals and Recommendations section, Goal C, point 2, farming and recreation were added to designated land uses. Under Goal E, we deleted (i.e., mother-in-law apartment) from point 2.  After a great deal of discussion, we decided to leave Goal F as written.


B.    Natural Resources

1). Jim sent in some suggestions that Nan incorporated in the draft of this chapter.

2). While some editing suggestions were noted, no content changes were suggested for this chapter.





5.      We reviewed and discussed the following chapters:


A.    Economic Development

Jim had commented that this chapter was a good one, noting that it is a difficult topic to explain.

1). Overview -- Annie suggested moving paragraph three in the Overview section to become paragraph two.  Other suggestions for the Overview section follow:

á      Revise the first sentence to read: ÒWashingtonÕs early economy was shaped by pioneering residents who relied on the natural resources at hand: water, woods, granite and fields with a few boulders. They developed agriculture...Ó

á      Add a source for the Òaverage 45-minute commuteÓ figure.

á      In the first sentence of the second paragraph, change ÒshouldÓ to Òmust.Ó

á      In the third paragraph, the largest employer should be Town of Washington instead of the Highway Department.

     2). Employment – page 3.

á      First paragraph, delete Òthe majorityÓ (line 3).

á      Make travel time consistent with page one and cite the source.

á      Jean will spell out the abbreviations (NHES –ELMI) used in the second table.

3). Income – page 4. 

á      In the first sentence add ÒMedianÓ before Òincome levels,Ó and add ÒaverageÓ after U.S. at the end of that sentence.

á      Delete Òand/or povertyÓ at the end of sentence 2.

á      We discussed and then decided to add median incomes of surrounding towns to the table on page 4.

     4). Summary of Community Input

á      In the chart on page 5, third item (Manufacturing), change ÒchoseÓ to ÒagreedÓ—ÒAlmost 60% agreed to discourage.Ó

á      On page 6, Priorities, delete #4, paramedical services. Reword the last sentence to read ÒEncourage businesses to locate downtown and create cottage (home) businesses in neighborhoods where they blend in.Ó

                  5). Goals and Recommendations -- page 7.

á      Reword the end of #2 to read: Òour vast natural resources, agriculture, forestry and tourism.Ó

á      Add a #5 – ÒEstablish an agricultural commission.Ó  Nan had sent Jean a note about this from the NH Municipal Association.

á      We spent some time discussing promoting tourism as a significant economic asset.

We agreed to pass on to the Economic Development Committee the list of Washington businesses compiled for the Master Plan Update meeting rather than to include it in this chapter; perhaps it could be in the appendices.


B.    Recreation

1). Overview

á      We rewrote the first two sentences as follows: ÒGrowth within the region and the Town of Washington is due in large part to the high quality environment, scenic beauty and recreational opportunities of the area. Washington is in the center of an extensive system of well-maintained trails used by hikers, snow-shoers, cross county skiers, snowmobilers, hunters, fishermen and horse riders.Ó

á      The second paragraph, still found in some draft copies, has been eliminated here and is now in the Natural Resources chapter.

2). Recreational Resources

     Page 3 – Winter Recreation

á      Delete the first clause of the first sentence (about Mt. Sunapee).

á      Delete Òwith a vertical dropÉand two tow barsÓ after ÒNewburyÓ in sentence 3.

á      In sentence 4, delete the rest of the sentence after ÒHenniker, NH.

á      Delete sentence 5.

     Page 4 – Sightseeing – delete ÒTown bandstand.Ó

3). Goals and Recommendations – page 7

á      Goal A – clarify who makes the decisions regarding scheduling and use of Camp Morgan.

á      Goal C -- #2 – change to ÒEncourage development of new activities and programs.Ó


C.     Cultural and Historical Resources

1). Historic Background

á      First paragraph, last sentence, change Òeight school districtsÓ to Ò10 schools.Ó

á      Second paragraph, delete the first sentence.

2). Community Input

¤  Page 2 – Old School House date should be 1883.

¤  Page 3 – Weaknesses – delete first item ÒTraffic problems ÉÓ also delete the buildings that are not maintained that are listed in parentheses.

             3). Goals and Recommendations

á      Goal A, #1, change ÒEstablish . . .Ó to ÒExplore designating. . .Ó

á      Goal B, #4, change to ÒIdentify and promote families with generational roots in Town.Ó

á      Goal E, #2, change to ÒShare information in a creative and timely way through a variety of media and channels.Ó


D.    Population

      Jean noted that the Lake Sunapee Regional Planning Commission had reported that between 1990-2010 only seven communities had added more than 50 students to their school district and that Washington was one of those seven. She thought this was significant and should be added to the Population chapter. It was agreed that this would be a good thing to do.


            These changes/corrections will be made to the chapters, and they will then be sent to the Planning Board.  We will also try to have the copy editing done as soon as possible.  Chapters still to be completed and reviewed are those on Services & Facilities, Utilities, Housing and Energy.  Drafts of these chapters should go to the Planning Board by mid-July.  We are targeting a public meeting on all completed chapters for September 8.


            The next meeting of this committee was scheduled for June 16 at 2:00 p.m.