Meeting Date:           Monday July 2, 2012 at 7:00 pm

Location:                    Washington Town Hall


Attendees:                Chute _X_, Kluk _X_, Terani _X_

Visitors:                    ___None________________________


Agenda Items:   



1.0       Completed review of buildings in Excel spreadsheet and determined that the energy report for the Washington Elementary School still needed to be entered.  Kluk to review report and enter data.



2.0       Determined that the committeeÕs next steps will be to meet with the Selectmen in order to update the status of the identified capital improvements by building.  Chute to create summary spreadsheet from existing spreadsheet for ease of reviewing with Selectmen.


            After updating the status of the identified improvements based on Selectmen input, the CIP committee will begin departmental meetings and building visits. 



3.0       Determined progress report for PB update on July 3.